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您现在的位置:今日网校 > BEC商务英语 > 2020年新东方在线沈阳英语培训机构成人英语模拟练习题


来源:今日网校 2020-04-27 08:31:21

  1. Hearing the gunshot, all the birds flew _____ every direction.
  A. in  B. on   C. to  D. toward
  2. The factory had to _____ number of employees because of the economic decline in the country.
  A. lay out  B. lay off  C. lay aside  D. lay down
  3. His parents _____ his money, so he is in trouble now.
  A. cut off  B. cut through  C. gave up  D. brought down
  4. Can you _____ the difference _____ the two phrases?
  A. tell, between  B. speak, from  C. say, of   D. talk, between
  5. If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, _____ him or her leave a message.
  A. have  B. get  C. ask  D. tell
  6. There is no doubt _____ you will pass the exam this time. You have worked so hard in the past months.
  A. whether  B. that  C. if  D. what
  7. I _____ the boy to save money, but he wouldn’t listen.
  A. hoped  B. suggested  C. wanted  D. made
  8. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, _____ of them answered it.
  A. either  B. none  C. neither  D. nobody
  9. No matter _____ he is able to come to the party or not, we will invite him.
  A. when  B. whether  C. how  D. why
  10. The idea _____ to him in his dream and he decided to carry it out.
  A. happened  B. struck  C. appeared  D. occurred
  11. He would have paid _____ for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it.
  A. twice as much  B. much as twice  C. as much twice  D. twice much as
  12. They decided to chase the cow away _____ it did more damage.
  A. unless  B. until  C. before  D. although
  13. We wanted a new table for dinner, so my father bought _____ from a furniture store yesterday.
  A. itself  B. one  C. himself  D. another
  14. A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.
  A. is offered  B. has offered  C. are offered  D. have offered
  15. _____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
  A. Which  B. When  C. What  D. As
  16. It is no _____ talking to him, because he will never change his mind.
  A. help  B. use  C. time  D. way
  17. The way I thought of _____ the animal was of great value.
  A. protecting  B. protect   C. being protected  D. to protect
  18. In another year or so, you _____ all about it.
  A. forget  B. would forget  C. have forgotten  D. will have forgotten
  19. No one here believes the reason _____ he gave for his lateness.
  A. that  B. why  C. for which  D. what
  20. The novel I bought last week is worth ____ ,I think.
  A. reading  B. being read C. to read  D. to be read
  21. After the fire, _____ would otherwise be a cultural center is now reduced to a pile of ashes.
  A. that  B. it  C. which D. what
  22. Did you notice the little boy _____ away?
  A. took the candy and run
  B. taking the candy and run
  C. take the candy and run
  D. who taking the candy and running
  23. _____ gives people more knowledge of the society than literature.
  A. Anything  B. Nothing  C. Something  D. Everything
  24. If Mary catches _____ her diary, she’ll be angry.
  A. you reading  B. yours reading  C. you read  D. you to read
  25. Don’t worry me now, I will mend that coat _____.
  A. by and by  B. off and on  C. back an forth  D. now and then
  26. Please join us. We can easily make _____ for one more at this table.
  A. seat  B. place  C. room  D. space
  27. You may depend on ____ will not repeat his mistakes.
  A. it that  B. that  C. him that  D. which that
  28. “That latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, no ,_____.”
  A. it didn’t  B. it mustn’t  C. it hasn’t  D. it must haven’t
  29. _____ the first to use nuclear weapons.
  A. At no time China will be
  B. Never China will be
  C. Will China never be
  D. At no time will China be
  30. Encouragement is sometimes much more _____ than criticism.
  A. effective   B. efficient  C. executive  D. extensive

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