1. Acoustic:这个词源于希腊语词根“akous”和“tikos”,意为“听到的”。在现代英语中,它通常用于描述与声音相关的概念,如“Acoustic Research”(声学研究)和“Acoustic Insulation”(隔音)。
2. Audiometer:这个词由“audi”(听)和“meter”(测量)组成,意为“听力测量器”。它通常用于评估人的听力能力。
3. Sound:这个词源于拉丁语词根“sonus”和“soundus”,意为“声音”。它是一个非常常见的英语单词,有许多相关词汇,如“soundproof”(隔音),“loudspeaker”(扬声器)等。
4. Hearing:这个词由“hear”(听)和“ing”组成,意为“听觉”。它是一个与acoumeter相关的单词,通常用于描述听觉的能力。
5. Sensitivity:这个词源于拉丁语词根“sens”(感觉)和“itivity”,意为“敏感度”。它通常用于描述与声音或听觉相关的设备的性能。
6. Audibility:这个词由“aud”(听)和“ibility”(可性)组成,意为“可听性”。它通常用于描述声音的清晰度和可理解度。
7. Accompaniment:这个词由“ac”(与)和“complement”(补充)组成,意为“伴奏”。它通常用于描述音乐中的声音或声音背景。
8. Audiovisual:这个词由“audi”(听)和“visual”(视觉)组成,意为“视听”。它通常用于描述包含视觉和听觉元素的多媒体内容。
9. Acoustics:这个词由“acou”(声音)和“stics”(物理学的一个分支)组成,意为“声学”。它是物理学的一个分支,研究声音的传播、反射和吸收等。
10. Soundscape:这个词由“sound”(声音)和“scape”(景色)组成,意为“声音景观”。它通常用于描述一个环境中各种声音的总体印象。
1. accommodate to适应
例句:He quickly accommodated himself to the new environment.
2. accommodate with sb与某人共事
例句:She accommodated well with her team members.
3. accommodate demands满足需求
例句:The company is committed to accommodating customer demands.
4. accommodate expenses开销
例句:We need to accommodate all of our expenses with our income.
5. accommodate sb with sth为某人提供某物
例句:The hotel accommodated us with a comfortable room.
6. accommodate oneself to适应
例句:He soon accommodated himself to the job requirements.
7. accommodate sb/sth (to sth)使适应
例句:The company is committed to accommodating its employees to work in different environments.
Accommodation is essential for everyone"s life, whether it"s a home, a hotel room, or even a tent. We need to accommodate ourselves to our environment and make sure we have everything we need to survive. Whether it"s a long-term stay or just a short-term visit, accommodation is always a crucial aspect of our lives. We need to find a place that is comfortable, safe, and suitable for our needs, and then we need to accommodate ourselves to it. We may need to adjust our schedule, our routine, and even our way of thinking to fit into the new environment. However, this process is essential for growth and development, and it helps us adapt to new situations and challenges. Accommodation is not just about finding a place to sleep; it"s about finding a place that makes us feel at home, that helps us relax and be ourselves.