"acoustic lens" 的音标为[əʊˈkʌɪstɪk ˈluːns] 。基本翻译为"声聚焦"。速记技巧可以考虑使用谐音记忆法,将其转化为中文谐音“袄刻死录死恩”,即“音频录音聚焦”。
Acoustic lens的英文词源是拉丁语“audiō”和“lentus”,意思是“听”和“使之弯曲”。
变化形式:复数形式是“acoustical lenses”,过去式是“lentus”或“lent”,现在分词是“lent”。
1. Microphone(麦克风):这个词源于希腊语“mikros”(微小的)和“phone”(声音),用于捕捉声音并将其转化为电信号。
2. Soundproofing(隔音):这个词源于拉丁语“sonus”和“prohibere”(阻止),意味着阻止声音传播。
3. Auditory(听觉的):这个词源于拉丁语“audīre”(听)和“tory”(属性),指与听觉相关的。
4. Phonetics(语音学):这个词源于希腊语“phone”(声音)和“etika”(科学),研究人类声音的发音和识别。
5. Acousmatic(音响的):这个词源于希腊语“akousma”(听到的声音),指与声音相关的概念或技术。
6. Loudspeaker(扬声器):这个词源于拉丁语“lūdum”(声音)和“speaker”(发言者),用于将声音放大并传播到远处。
7. Sonar(声纳):这个词源于希腊语“sonos”(声音)和“narrō”(探测),是一种用于探测水下物体和环境的声波技术。
8. Acoustic resonance(声学共振):这个词源于希腊语“rhodos”(共振)和“akousma”(听到的声音),指物体对特定频率声音的强烈响应。
9. Acoustic imaging(声成像):这个词源于希腊语“akousma”(听到的声音)和“imagine”(图像),指利用声波进行成像的技术。
10. Soundfield(声场):这个词源于拉丁语“field”(领域),指由声音产生的空间区域。
Acoustic lens常用短语:
1. acoustic lens effect
2. acoustic lensing
3. focal length of acoustic lens
4. acoustic focusing
5. acoustic converging lens
6. acoustic converging lensing
7. acoustic lensing effect
1. The use of an acoustic lens can greatly improve the quality of sound reproduction.
2. The focal length of the acoustic lens determines the range of the sound beam.
3. The acoustic lens can be used to focus sound waves in a specific direction.
Acoustic Lens Technology
Acoustic lenses are a fascinating technology that can be used to focus sound waves in a specific direction, greatly improving sound quality and performance. This technology is becoming increasingly popular in audio equipment, such as headphones and speakers, where it can be used to create a more immersive listening experience.
By using an acoustic lens, manufacturers can create headphones that produce a more accurate and detailed sound reproduction, with less distortion and noise. This technology can also be used to create more powerful speakers that can produce a wider range of frequencies and a more powerful sound output.
In addition to its use in audio equipment, acoustic lenses can also be used in other applications, such as in microphones and ultrasound imaging systems. These systems can use the acoustic lenses to focus sound waves in a precise way, allowing for more accurate measurements and imaging capabilities.
Overall, the use of acoustic lenses is a promising technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we experience sound reproduction and other applications.