"acoustic load" 的音标为 [əˈkjuːstɪk ləʊd],翻译为 "声音负荷" 或 "声负荷"。
速记技巧:可以将 "acoustic" 拆分为 "a-coo-sis","load" 拆分为 "lo-ad",这样更易于记忆。同时,可以结合上下文理解其含义,即声音或声波的负担或压力。
Acoustic Load的英文词源是拉丁语“acous”和“tus”,意为“听”和“声音”。这个词在英语中用来描述与声音相关的负载或负担。
1. Acoustics:由希腊语“akous”和“tus”派生而来,意为声音的科学。
2. Sound:直接来自词源,表示声音。
1. Noise:来自拉丁语“nous”,意为噪音或嘈杂声。
2. Symphony:由希腊语“syn”和“mykein”组成,意为和谐的声音。
3. Music:来自拉丁语“musica”,意为音乐艺术。
4. Audio:由拉丁语“audire”和“o”组成,意为听到的声音。
5. Loud:来自拉丁语“laudere”,意为赞美或大声。
6. Soft:来自拉丁语“suave”,意为柔和或轻柔。
7. Soundproof:意为隔音的,由sound和proof组成,表示阻止声音传播。
8. Sonic:由sonus和ic组成,意为音速或声音的。
9. Harmony:由希腊语“harmonia”组成,意为和谐或协调。
10. Accompaniment:由accompany和accompaniment组成,意为伴奏或伴随的声音。
Acoustic Load:
1. high acoustic load
2. low acoustic load
3. acoustic load level
4. acoustic insulation
5. soundproofing
6. noise reduction
7. sound absorption
8. sound control
1. This room has a high acoustic load, so the sound is well controlled.
2. The building has low acoustic load, making it a pleasant place to work.
3. The acoustic load level in the concert hall was very high, making it difficult to hear the music.
4. We need to increase the acoustic insulation in the office to reduce noise pollution.
5. Soundproofing measures need to be taken to reduce the noise from the street outside.
6. The sound absorption material in the room helps reduce sound reflection and improves the listening experience.
7. Sound control is essential in a noisy environment, and effective measures need to be taken to minimize the impact.
Acoustic Load and Its Impact on Our Environment
Acoustic load refers to the amount of sound energy in a given space or environment. It can have a significant impact on our daily lives, especially in public places like concert halls, libraries, and classrooms. High acoustic load can make it difficult to hear, while low acoustic load can create a pleasant and conducive environment for learning or working.
Soundproofing measures are commonly taken to reduce acoustic load and minimize noise pollution. Sound absorption materials are used to absorb sound waves and reduce sound reflection, while acoustic insulation reduces noise from external sources like traffic or construction. Effective sound control is essential in noisy environments, and we must take measures to minimize its impact on our daily lives.
At the same time, acoustic load also has a significant impact on our environment. Concert halls with high acoustic load can create an immersive listening experience, while noisy streets can have a negative impact on people"s quality of life. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between sound control and public enjoyment of sound, ensuring that our environments are conducive to both personal and environmental well-being.