acoustic power的音标为["ɔːkɪust] [ˈpaʊə] ,基本翻译为“声功率”,速记技巧为注意字母组合oo在单词尾部发/ʊə/。
Acoustic Power的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语“acous”和“audiere”,意为“听”或“听见”。这个词在英语中经过了一些变化形式,包括“auditory”、“aural”、“acoustic”等。
1. Auditory:意为听觉的,来源于拉丁语“auditorius”,指与听觉有关的器官或功能。
2. Aural:意为听觉的,来源于拉丁语“auris”和“latus”,指与声音有关的听觉器官或功能。
3. Acoustic:意为声音的,来源于拉丁语“acous”和“sound”,指与声音有关的物理现象。
4. Soundproof:意为隔音的,是指阻止声音传播的措施或材料。这个词由“sound”和“proof”组成,表示阻止声音传播的能力。
5. Microphone:意为麦克风,是一种用于将声音信号转换为电信号的设备。这个词由“micro”和“phone”组成,表示微型传声器。
6. Sonic:意为音的,来源于拉丁语“sonus”,指声音的特性和特征。
7. Tonality:意为音调,来源于拉丁语“tonus”,指音乐中的音高和音色。
8. Tonality Theory:音调理论,是一种音乐理论,研究音乐中的音高和音色与情感之间的关系。
9. Acoustics:意为声学,是指研究声音传播和接收的科学。这个词由“acous”和“tics”组成,表示声音的科学。
10. Acoustics Lab:声学实验室,是进行声学实验和研究的地方。这个词由“acoustics”和“lab”组成,表示进行声学实验和研究的地方。
以上这些单词都与Acoustic Power这个概念相关,涵盖了听觉、声音、声学等多个方面。
1. acoustic power density
2. acoustic power flux density
3. acoustic power generation
4. acoustic power output
5. acoustic power density gradient
6. acoustic power spectrum
7. acoustic power transfer
1. The speaker generates a high level of acoustic power that fills the room.
2. The sound wave has a high acoustic power density at the source.
3. Acoustic power generation from the engine is a crucial factor in fuel efficiency.
4. The transducer is responsible for the acoustic power transfer from the speaker to the listener.
5. The ocean is a vast reservoir of acoustic power spectrum, with frequencies ranging from low to high.
6. The acoustic power flux density of the sound wave varies with its frequency and amplitude.
7. The listener experiences the acoustic power of the sound as a pleasant feeling in their ears.
Acoustic Power and Its Impact on Our Lives
Acoustic power is a fundamental force in sound waves, which has a profound impact on our lives. From the sound systems in our homes and cars to the ocean waves that shape the coastlines, acoustic power plays a crucial role in our world.
From the speakers in our homes, to the powerful sound waves generated by musical instruments and amplifiers, acoustic power is used to create a myriad of sounds that enrich our lives. It is also responsible for transferring these sounds from one place to another, making it possible for us to listen to music, watch movies, and communicate with others without being physically close to the source of the sound.
Moreover, acoustic power is essential in oceanography and marine research, as it plays a significant role in understanding the movement and formation of waves. Understanding these waves can help us predict natural disasters and protect against them.
On a smaller scale, acoustic power is also crucial in medical imaging and diagnosis, where sound waves are used to create images of internal organs and detect diseases.
In conclusion, acoustic power is an essential force in our world that shapes our lives in numerous ways. Understanding its role and impact can help us better utilize it and make the most of its benefits.