acoustic signal的音标为/əʊˈkʌɪstɪk ˈsɪŋɡl/,基本翻译为“声音信号”,速记技巧可以考虑将其分为几个部分来记忆:
Acoustic signal的英文词源:
Acoustic signal可以通过词根的变化形式进行变化,如acoustics(声学)、acoustic engineer(声学工程师)等。
1. sound:意为“声音”,可以指自然界的声音,也可以指电子设备产生的声音。
2. music:意为“音乐”,与acoustic这个词有关联,因为音乐通常是通过乐器发出的声音。
3. instrument:意为“乐器”,因为乐器是用来发出声音的工具。
4. vocal:意为“嗓音的”,与声音有关,通常指通过嗓音发出的声音。
5. audio:意为“音频的”,与声音有关,通常指声音的频率范围和性质。
在日常生活中,我们经常听到各种各样的声音,包括自然界的风声、雨声、鸟鸣声等,以及人为制造的各种声音,如音乐、演讲、谈话等。这些声音都可以用acoustic signal来描述。同时,acoustic signal也可以指电子设备中产生的声音,如音响设备播放的音乐或录音带中的声音。因此,acoustic signal的应用范围非常广泛,涉及到音乐、演讲、通信、医疗等多个领域。
1. Acoustic signal detection
2. Acoustic signal transmission
3. Acoustic signal recording
4. Acoustic signal analysis
5. Acoustic signal enhancement
6. Acoustic signal processing
7. Acoustic signal classification
1. The animal"s acoustic signal can be used to identify its species.
2. The acoustic signal of the bird is very distinctive and can be used to identify its location.
3. Through acoustic signal enhancement, we can improve the quality of the signal and make it easier to understand.
4. The acoustic signal analysis of the ocean wave can help us understand the oceanic environment better.
5. The acoustic signal recording can help us study the changes in the environment over time.
6. The acoustic signal processing can be used to identify the source of the sound quickly.
7. The acoustic signal classification can be used to identify different types of noise or sound sources.
Acoustic signals are a powerful tool for understanding our environment and detecting changes in it. From animals to oceans, we can use acoustic signals to identify their species, locate them, enhance the quality of the signal, analyze the oceanic environment, record changes over time, process sound sources quickly, and classify different types of noise or sound sources. With the help of modern technology, we can use acoustic signals to understand our world in a more comprehensive and accurate way.