1. acquittal(无罪释放):这个词表示某人被宣布无罪,释放出狱。这个词源于拉丁语“acquittado”,意为“被释放”。
2. acquisition(获得物):这个词表示通过努力或投资而获得的东西,通常指财富、知识或技能。这个词源于拉丁语“acquisito”,意为“获得”。
3. acquire(获得):这个词表示通过努力或投资而获得某物,通常指财富、知识或技能。这个词源于拉丁语“acquisire”,意为“获得”。
4. acquiesce(默许):这个词表示同意或接受某事,但不公开表示。这个词源于拉丁语“acquiescere”,意为“安静下来”。
5. acquit(宣告无罪):这个词表示某人被宣告无罪,释放出狱。这个词源于拉丁语“acquittare”,意为“释放”。
6. acquisitionism(获得论):这个词是一个哲学术语,表示对获得知识的观点或方法。这个词源于拉丁语和希腊语,表示对获得事物的观点或方法。
7. acquitance(熟悉):这个词表示对某事或某人的熟悉程度。这个词由“acquaint”和“ance”组成,表示熟悉的状态。
8. acquitly(无罪状态):这个词是一个形容词,表示某人处于无罪状态。它是由“acquittal”和“ly”组成的形容词形式。
9. acquitness(无罪的):这是一个名词形式,表示无罪的状态或情况。它是由“acquittal”和“ness”组成的名词形式。
10. acquit-self(表现无罪):这是一个短语,表示某人表现得像无罪一样,不表现出犯罪行为。它是由“acquittal”和“self”组成的短语形式。
1. become acquainted with
2. get to know
3. be familiar with
4. be well acquainted with
5. be friendly with
6. keep in touch with
7. keep up with
1. I became acquainted with a new language when I studied abroad.
2. I am trying to get to know my new neighbors better.
3. I am familiar with the city and its attractions.
4. I am well acquainted with my old friends from college.
5. I am friendly with my colleagues and we often socialize together.
6. I try to keep in touch with my family and friends back home.
7. I am always trying to keep up with the latest trends in technology and culture.
标题:Acquaintance and Friendship
Acquaintance and friendship are two different types of relationships that we have in our lives. Acquaintances are people that we meet and have brief interactions with, while friends are those who share our interests, values, and experiences and are there for us when we need them.
Acquaintances are important because they can introduce us to new experiences and opportunities, but they are not necessarily a source of deep emotional support or companionship. On the other hand, friends are more likely to be a source of emotional support and companionship, because they share our lives and understand our perspectives and challenges.
However, it is important to maintain healthy relationships with both acquaintances and friends, as they can enrich our lives and help us grow as individuals. We should try to stay in touch with our friends, maintain healthy boundaries with our acquaintances, and avoid being too close to people who are only interested in using us for their own purposes. In conclusion, maintaining healthy relationships with both acquaintances and friends is essential for a fulfilling life.