acquiesced的音标为[ə"kwɪəsɪd] ,基本翻译为“默许,表示同意”,速记技巧为“ac-quies-ced,ac-表同意,quies-表示安静,ced-走过去”。
acquiesced这个词在句子中通常表示同意、认可的意思,例如:“The company has acquiesced to the union"s demands for higher wages.”(公司已经同意了工会提高工资的要求。)这个词在句子中的使用体现了对于某种提议或要求的认可和接受。
1. acquiesce in
2. acquiesce to
3. acquiesce with
4. agree and acquiesce
5. submit to and acquiesce
6. acquiesce quietly
7. acquiesce passively
1. He agreed to the proposal but then acquiesced to the inevitable.
2. She acquiesced with the decision, knowing it was for the best.
3. They submitted to the new rules and acquiesced quietly.
4. The company agreed to cooperate but then quietly acquiesced to the demands of the union.
5. She agreed to marry him, but then quietly acquiesced to his wishes.
6. We must not acquiesce passively in the injustice of our situation.
7. She always acquiesces in her children"s demands, even when she knows they are unreasonable.
Acquiescing to Change
Life is full of changes, whether we like it or not. Sometimes, these changes are brought about by external factors such as life events or societal trends, while other times, they are a result of our own decisions or actions. Regardless of the source, we must learn to accept and acquiesce to change, for it is a fundamental part of life that cannot be avoided.
Acquiescing to change does not mean giving in to everything that comes our way. It means recognizing that change is inevitable and embracing it with open arms, rather than resisting it with all our might. It means learning to adapt and evolve, rather than staying stagnant and static. Acquiescing to change allows us to move forward, to grow, and to thrive in a constantly changing world.
In conclusion, acquiescing to change is not an easy task, but it is necessary if we are to survive and thrive in today"s ever-changing world. By embracing change and learning to adapt, we can find new opportunities, overcome challenges, and create a better future for ourselves and those around us.