例句:The committee acquiescently accepted the proposal. 委员会无异议地接受了该提议。
acquiescently的英文词源为:ac-(表示加强) + quiescent(静止的,无声的)+ -ly。
1. acquiescence:默许,默认。这个词是由acquiescently和-ence组合而成,表示同意或默认的态度。
2. quiet:安静的,平静的。quiet来源于拉丁语中的quietus,意为静止的,无噪音的。这个词可以用来描述安静的环境或状态。
3. still:静止的,不动的。still来源于stillness,其词源同样表示静止的状态。
4. acquiesce:默许,同意。这个词是由acquiescent和-ease构成的,表示同意或接受的态度。
5. acquiescing:默许的,同意的。这是一个形容词形式,表示同意或接受的态度。
6. quiescent:静止的,无声的。这个词是由quiescent和-ive构成的,表示处于静止状态或没有声音的状态。
7. acquiescence-quiescent-quiet-still-silent-inactive-lethargic-inactive-quietude-serene等单词都可以用来描述一种平静、静止或无声的状态,具有相似的含义和用法。
1. acquiesce in
2. acquiesce to
3. agree without demur
4. submit without demur
5. quietly agree
6. quietly accept
7. without demur
1. She acquiesced in the decision without hesitation.
2. He agreed to the proposal, but only after some reluctance, and only after much discussion.
3. She quietly acquiesced to the inevitable.
4. He acquiesced to the criticism, knowing it was well-deserved.
5. She silently acquiesced to her fate.
6. She accepted the situation with an acquiescent shrug of her shoulders.
7. We all agreed without demur to the new plan.
Acquiescence is a complex emotion that can be both a source of comfort and a sign of weakness. It is a passive acceptance of a situation that one may not fully agree with, but feels unable to change. Acquiescence can be a way of avoiding conflict, but it can also indicate a lack of confidence or assertiveness in oneself. However, there are times when acquiescence can be a positive force, as it can indicate acceptance of others" opinions and perspectives, and an openness to learning and growth. Whatever the case, it is important to recognize and accept our own and others" acquiescence, while striving to be more assertive and confident in ourselves and our actions.