"acquirer" 的音标为[ə"kwaɪərə] 。基本翻译为“收购者;获得者;取得物”。速记技巧可以考虑用字母缩写法,即把单词分成几个字母,然后用自己熟悉的字母代替这些字母来记忆。可以尝试将其记作"a-k-w-a-r-e-r",其中 "a" 可以代表 "获得","k" 可以代表 "收购","ware" 可以理解为 "物",这样就可以轻松记住这个单词了。
1. Acquirer of goods 货物收购者
2. Acquirer of title 所有权收购者
3. Acquirer of debt 债务收购者
4. Acquirer of assets 资产收购者
5. Acquirer of shares 股份收购者
6. Acquirer of businesses 企业收购者
7. Acquirer of rights 权利收购者
1. The company is a common acquirer of debt, buying up loans from banks and other lenders. (这家公司是债务收购的常见参与者,收购银行和其他贷款人的贷款。)
2. The acquirer of assets is looking to expand their business by buying up companies and assets. (资产收购者希望通过收购公司和资产来扩大业务。)
3. The acquirer of shares is looking to increase their ownership stake in a company. (股份收购者希望增加他们在公司中的所有权份额。)
4. The acquirer of businesses is looking to expand their market share by acquiring other companies. (企业收购者希望通过收购其他公司来扩大市场份额。)
5. The rights acquirer is looking to protect their rights in a particular area or situation. (权利收购者希望保护他们在特定领域或情况下的权利。)
6. The buyer of goods is someone who purchases goods from a seller for their own use or resale. (货物买家是从卖家那里购买货物供自己使用或转售的人。)
7. As an acquirer of rights, I am committed to protecting my rights and ensuring that they are not infringed upon by others.
Acquirers in the business world play a crucial role in the growth and development of companies and industries. They provide capital, expand markets, and acquire new technologies and resources that help companies grow and become more competitive in the market place. As an acquirer of rights, I believe that protecting my rights is essential to my success and growth as a business person. I am committed to understanding my rights and ensuring that they are not infringed upon by others. At the same time, I am open to new opportunities and possibilities that arise from acquiring new assets, businesses, and shares. This approach allows me to expand my business horizons and grow my company in new and exciting ways. In conclusion, as an acquirer, I believe that growth and development are achieved through collaboration, innovation, and respect for the rights of others.