"acquitting"的音标为[əˈkwɪtɪŋ],基本翻译为"宣告无罪;释放;开脱";速记技巧为:acquit sb of sth 为某事开脱某人的罪责。
1. "defendant"(被告):这个词是由"defendant"(被告)和"ant"(反对)组成的,表示被控告的人。
2. "indictment"(起诉书):这个词是由"indict"(控告)和"ment"(行为)组成的,表示控告的书面材料。
3. "trial"(审判):这个词来源于拉丁语"tridirensis",意为“三重裁判”,表示对案件进行审判的过程。
4. "guilty"(有罪的):这个词来源于拉丁语"guiltis",意为“罪恶”,表示有罪或犯罪的意思。
5. "innocent"(无罪的):这个词来源于拉丁语"innocens",意为“无罪的”,表示没有犯罪或没有过错的意思。
1. acquit sb of sth: 证明某人无罪或免除某人的责任。
例句:The court acquitted the accused of all charges.
2. clear sb of sth: 证明某人的清白或无罪。
例句:The evidence cleared him of all suspicion.
3. clear up the matter: 解决事情。
例句:We will try our best to clear up this matter.
4. clear the air: 消除误会或紧张气氛。
例句:We need to clear the air before we can move forward.
5. clear the decks: 清除障碍,为某事做好准备。
例句:We cleared the decks and focused on our project.
6. clear the way: 清除障碍,为某事做好准备。
例句:We need to clear the way for our team to succeed.
7. acquit oneself well: 表现得很好。
例句:She acquitted herself well at the party.
Today, I was able to clear up a long-standing issue with my boss, which had been causing tension between us for months. I was able to communicate effectively and clear the air about my concerns, which allowed us to move forward with mutual respect and understanding. This experience taught me that clear communication is essential for building trust and effective relationships, and that it can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.