acra的音标是["ækrə] ,基本翻译是阿克拉,是一个地名。速记技巧可以考虑使用谐音法,例如,可以将阿克拉谐音记忆为“阿克啦”,这样记忆会比较深刻,不容易忘记。
1. Credibility(可信度):这个词由credere(相信)和ibility(可性)组成,表示可以相信的程度。
2. Credence(信念):这个词由credere(相信)和ence(状态)组成,表示个人的信仰或信念。
3. Credulous(轻信的):这个词由credere(相信)和ulous(多…的)组成,表示容易轻信的人。
4. Credibility(可信性):这是一个合成词,由credere(相信)+ibility(可性)组成,表示可以验证或证明的可信度。
5. Credibility gap(信任鸿沟):这是一个合成词,表示由于缺乏信任而导致的鸿沟或差距。
6. Credibility crisis(信任危机):这是一个合成词,表示由于缺乏信任而导致的危机或困境。
7. Accreditation(认可):这个词由accredit(授权)+ation(状态)组成,表示授权或认可的状态。
8. Accreditation process(认证过程):这是一个合成词,表示授权或认可的过程。
9. Accreditation agency(认证机构):这是一个合成词,表示负责授权或认可的机构。
10. Accreditation certificate(认证证书):这是一个合成词,表示授权或认可的证书或证明文件。
1. by the way 顺便问一下
2. all over again 再一次
3. at the same time 同时
4. break away 脱离
5. come up with 想出
6. get along with 与...相处
7. keep in touch 保持联系
1. I"ll call you later today, by the way.
2. We"re trying to break away from our usual routine.
3. They"ve been getting along well with each other for years.
4. I"m trying to come up with a solution to this problem.
5. It"s hard to keep in touch with everyone these days.
6. We need to stay in touch to make sure everything is okay.
Keeping in Touch in a Digital Age
In today"s digital age, technology has made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family. However, it can also be challenging to maintain real-life connections when so much of our lives are spent online. Here are some ways to keep in touch with people, whether it"s through phone calls, text messages, emails, or social media platforms.
Firstly, phone calls are still a great way to connect with family and friends face-to-face. Even if we"re not able to meet up in person, a phone call can help us stay connected and feel like we"re still part of someone else"s life.
Secondly, text messages and emails are also very useful ways to stay in touch. They"re easy to send and receive on the go, and they provide a convenient way to keep in touch with people who live far away or who we don"t get to see very often.
Thirdly, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp have become a great way to stay connected with old friends and family members. We can keep up with their lives, share photos and videos, and stay up-to-date on what"s happening in their world.
However, it"s also important to remember that real-life connections are still very valuable. Even if we"re busy with our digital lives, we should still make time to meet up with friends and family members in person and stay connected through real-life experiences like hobbies, vacations, and events. In this way, we can maintain healthy relationships and build stronger communities.