1. Error(错误):与acrasia密切相关,因为错误是导致acrasia的原因之一。
2. Mistake(错误):也是与acrasia相关的词汇,表示犯错或判断失误。
3. Blunder(大错):这个词常用于形容严重的错误或过失,与acrasia有相似之处。
4. Erratic(异常的):这个词描述的是行为或决策的不可预测性,也与acrasia有关。
5. Disaster(灾难):当错误导致严重后果时,这个词常被用来描述这种情况。
6. Fallibility(易错性):这个词描述的是容易犯错的特点,与acrasia的概念相符。
7. Inaccuracy(不准确性):这个词描述的是错误或不精确的决策或行为,与acrasia有相似之处。
8. Amnesia(失忆):这个词描述的是记忆丧失的情况,有时也与误失有关,例如在比赛中的误失。
9. Accident(意外):这个词常用于描述无意的错误或过失,与acrasia有相似之处。
10. Deliberate(蓄意的):这个词描述的是有意的错误或失误,与acrasia相反。
1. accidental failure
2. accidental misstep
3. inadvertent error
4. unintended consequence
5. accidental omission
6. incidental deviation
7. unintentional deviation
1. His accidental misstep caused the accident.
2. The unintended consequence of the policy is that it has led to greater inequality.
3. We must avoid accidental omissions in our work.
4. The incidental deviation in the experiment led to a surprising result.
5. His unintentional deviation from the plan caused a major problem.
6. The accident was caused by a combination of factors, including accidental failure of the equipment.
7. Accidents happen, but we must always be careful to avoid unintended consequences.
Accidents and Unintended Consequences
In life, accidents happen, whether it"s a slip on the icy sidewalk or a mechanical failure in a car. These accidents can be unpleasant and even dangerous, but they are a part of life. However, sometimes accidents can have unintended consequences, which can be even more problematic. For example, a policy that is intended to help people may end up causing greater inequality, or a technology that is intended to improve efficiency may end up causing environmental damage. Therefore, it"s important to be careful and avoid accidental omissions and deviations from our plans and goals. Only then can we ensure that our actions have the intended consequences and make a positive impact on the world.