acrimoniously 的英文词源为:
1. Acrimon - 意为 "激烈的,激烈的争吵"
2. -ly - 意为 "方式,状态"
1. Acrimonous - 形容词形式,意为 "激烈的,争吵的"
2. acrimoniously - 副词形式,意为 "激烈地,争吵地"
1. acrimony - 激烈的争吵,激烈的言辞
2. dispute - 争论,争端
3. argument - 争论,辩论
4. conflict - 冲突,争斗
5. controversy - 争论,争议
6. animosity - 敌意,仇恨
7. hostility - 敌意,敌对
8. rancor - 怨恨,恶意
9. animating - 激发热情的,激励的
10. acrimonious - 激烈的,争吵的,不友好的
例如,dispute 和 argument 可以表示一般的争论或辩论,而 conflict 和 controversy 则可能更强调冲突或争议的严重性。animosity 和 hostility 则更多地表示长期或深层的敌意或仇恨。而 rancor 则可能表示一种持续的、恶意的怨恨。acrimonious 则是一个常用的形容词,表示争吵或争论的激烈或不友好的性质。
1. argue acrimoniously - 争吵不休
2. disagree vehemently - 激烈地争论
3. quarrel bitterly - 争吵不休
4. feud - 长期不和
5. be at odds - 意见不合
6. be at war - 处于战争状态
7. be at loggerheads - 意见不合,争吵不休
1. They argued acrimoniously about the issue for hours.
2. We disagreed vehemently on how to solve the problem.
3. The couple have been feuding for years over money issues.
4. The two countries are at odds over territorial claims.
5. The two leaders were at war with each other over policy differences.
6. They were at loggerheads over whether to take action.
7. The dispute has been going on for months, with no resolution in sight.
Conflict is a natural part of human interaction, whether it"s a disagreement between friends or a bitter dispute between nations. However, it"s important to remember that conflict can sometimes lead to positive outcomes if we approach it with an open mind and a willingness to listen and understand. When we argue acrimoniously or feud, we may feel like we"re on opposite sides of an unbridgeable gap, but sometimes that"s when real progress can be made. By approaching conflict with an open heart and an open mind, we can learn from each other and come to a better understanding of our differences, which can lead to greater harmony and understanding in the future.