1. Hatred(憎恶):这个词与acrimony在情感表达上密切相关,表示对某人或某事的强烈厌恶和憎恨。
2. Rancor(怨恨):这个词表示深深的、持久的怨恨和不满,通常源于对某人或某事的愤怒和不满。
3. Bitterness(苦涩):这个词描述的是一种情感上的苦涩和不满,通常源于失望、失落或痛苦的经历。
4. Irascibility(易怒):这个词表示容易发怒的特质,与acrimony相关的情感表达有关。
5. Asperity(尖刻):这个词描述的是言语或行为上的尖刻和刻薄,与acrimony的含义相近。
1. acrimony in argument
2. the language of acrimony
3. use harsh language
4. speak ill of each other
5. speak ill of sb in public
6. be at daggers drawn
7. be at odds with each other
1. They were at daggers drawn over politics. (他们在政治问题上意见不合。)
2. The language of acrimony was used to describe the conflict between the two countries. (激烈的言辞被用来描述两国之间的冲突。)
3. She speaks ill of her boss in public, hoping to get a promotion. (她公开说老板的坏话,希望得到晋升。)
4. They have been at odds with each other for months now. (他们几个月来一直意见不合。)
5. Use harsh language to criticize your child, and they will only feel criticized and belittled. (用严厉的语言批评你的孩子,他们只会感到被批评和贬低。)
6. Acrimony can lead to a breakdown in communication and cause problems in a relationship. (不和会导致沟通破裂,并导致关系中的问题。)
7. Try to avoid using acrimony in your speech, as it can make you seem unpleasant and unfriendly. (尽量避免在演讲中使用激烈的言辞,因为它会使你显得不愉快和无礼。)
Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but acrimony can often lead to problems and breakdowns in communication. When we use harsh language or speak ill of each other, we can damage our relationships and make it difficult for us to understand each other"s perspectives. A better approach is to communicate openly and honestly, respect each other"s differences, and try to resolve conflicts through positive means. This will help us maintain healthy relationships and avoid unnecessary tension and misunderstandings.