acrobatic的音标为[ˌækrəˈbætɪk] ,基本翻译为“杂技(表演)的;杂技演员的”,速记技巧为“阿克罗芭提克”。
1. acrobatics:这是acrobatic的复数形式,意为“杂技,杂技表演”。它是正式的术语,用于描述杂技艺术和技巧。
2. acrobat:这个词直接源自acrobatic,意为“杂技演员”或“擅长杂技的人”。
3. aerial:这个词与acrobatics有关,意为“空中,高空”。它通常用于描述与空中运动或表演相关的术语。
4. trapeze:这是acrobatics中常用的道具之一,意为“秋千”或“吊环”。
5. balancing act:这是一个与acrobatics相关的表演形式,意为“平衡术”或“平衡表演”。它需要演员在平衡木或其它道具上保持平衡。
6. stunt:这个词通常用于描述电影或电视中的危险或高难度动作,与acrobatics也有一定关系。
7. gymnastics:这个词源自希腊语词根“gymnos”,意为“裸体”,加上词根“nastos”,表示“困难,挑战”。因此,gymnastics意为“体操”,这是一种与身体运动和技巧相关的运动形式。
8. circus:这个词源于拉丁语词根“circus”,意为“圆形场地”。它通常用于描述大型的马戏团或表演场地。
9. contortionist:这个词意为“扭曲者”,与acrobatics中的扭曲动作有关。它通常用于描述那些能够进行身体扭曲表演的人。
10. acrobatry:这是一个罕见的单词,意为“杂技艺术”,它是acrobatic的形容词形式。
1. acrobatic dance
2. acrobatic gymnastics
3. perform acrobatics
4. high-wire acrobatics
5. trapeze acrobatics
6. balance beam acrobatics
7. floor acrobatics
1. The acrobats perform amazing feats on the high wire.
2. The gymnasts did a great job on the balance beam acrobatics.
3. The circus performers did an excellent job of floor acrobatics.
4. The trapeze acrobats amazed us with their grace and skill.
5. The acrobatic dance was a combination of strength and beauty.
6. The performers" acrobatic skills were truly breathtaking.
7. The circus is a great way to see some amazing acrobatics.
标题:Acrobatics - A Traditional Art Form
Acrobatics is an ancient art form that has been passed down through generations. Whether it"s the high-wire acrobatics of circus performers, the balance beam acrobatics of gymnasts, or the floor acrobatics of dancers, acrobatics is a thrilling and exciting form of performance. It requires incredible strength, balance, and coordination, and it"s a testament to the human body"s incredible abilities.
Acrobatics is a way of life for many performers, who use their skills to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. From the circus to the gymnastics arena to the dance stage, acrobatics is a part of many people"s lives and a source of joy and entertainment for millions. Whether you"re watching a performance or participating yourself, acrobatics is a great way to appreciate the human body and its incredible abilities.