acrocephaly的音标为["ækrəʊsefelɪ] ,基本翻译为“颅骨发育异常”,速记技巧可以考虑使用词根记忆法,即根据词根的意思来记忆。
1. craniosynostosis(颅骨骨缝过早闭合):这个词描述的是颅骨骨缝过早闭合的情况,可能导致颅骨形状的异常。
2. macrocephaly(大头症):这个词描述的是头部明显大于正常大小的情况。
3. microcephaly(小头症):这个词描述的是头部明显小于正常大小的情况。
4. cephalocele(脑膨出):这个词描述的是颅骨向外膨出的状况。
5. craniostenosis(颅骨骨性发育异常):这个词描述的是颅骨骨性发育的异常状况,可能包括颅骨形状、大小、位置等方面的异常。
6. cephalicindex(头指数):这是一个用来衡量头部相对于身体大小的指数,可以用来诊断一些头骨发育异常的疾病。
7. cephalopod(头足类动物):这个词来源于希腊语“kephalos”(头),用来指代头足类动物,如鱿鱼和章鱼。
8. acrocephalopagus(颅顶相接的): 这个词用来描述颅骨形状异常,如颅顶相接的畸形,通常是由于基因突变或发育异常导致的。
9. cephalic(颅的): 这个词来源于拉丁语“cephalicus”,意为“颅的、头部的”,通常用来描述与头部或颅骨相关的特征或疾病。
10. cephalicreduction(颅骨缩小手术): 这是指通过手术方式缩小颅骨面积或体积的一种治疗方法,主要用于治疗颅骨发育异常或畸形。
Acrocephaly 是一种颅骨发育异常的疾病,常常导致头部形状的改变。以下是一些常用的短语:
1. Acrocephaly with flattening
2. Acrocephaly with bossing
3. Acrocephaly with prominent forehead
4. Acrocephaly with flattening and bossing
5. Congenital acrocephaly
6. Acrocephaly with midface retrusion
7. Acrocephaly with occipital flattening
1. The baby had a noticeable acrocephaly, causing concern among the parents.
2. She had an unusual acrocephaly that made her look a bit different from other children.
3. He had a severe case of acrocephaly that required surgery to correct.
4. The child"s acrocephaly was corrected with a successful surgery.
5. The child"s acrocephaly caused some problems with vision, but it was eventually corrected.
6. The doctor said that the child"s acrocephaly was a genetic condition and would not affect her development.
7. She had an interesting case of acrocephaly that made her look unique and special.
Title: The Unique Beauty of Acrocephaly
Acrocephaly, a rare condition that affects the development of the skull, can result in a variety of unique and beautiful shapes and patterns on the head. From the flattening of the occipital bone to the prominent forehead, acrocephaly creates a truly unique appearance that is both captivating and beautiful.
In my opinion, acrocephaly is a beautiful condition that should not be hidden or concealed. Instead, it should be embraced and celebrated for its unique beauty and individuality. People with acrocephaly should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about their appearance, but rather should be proud of their unique features and the beauty they bring to the world.
In conclusion, acrocephaly is a beautiful condition that should be recognized and appreciated for its unique beauty and individuality. It is a condition that should not be ignored or denied, but rather embraced and celebrated for what it truly is - a beautiful and unique part of humanity.