acoustic(adj. 声学的) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示与声音、音乐等有关。
harmonica(n. 口琴) - 词源同Acrochordus,口琴是一种通过吹奏产生高音的乐器。
arpeggio(n. 琶音) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示一种音乐演奏技巧,通过快速吹奏产生连续的高音。
corde(n. 弦) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示与弦乐器有关,如吉他、小提琴等。
chord(n. 和弦) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示由弦乐器演奏出的音符组合。
cornet(n. 喇叭) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示一种吹奏乐器,用于产生高音。
coronal(n. 冠音) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示乐曲中的最高音符。
corpulence(n. 肥胖) - 词源同Acrochordus,表示身体状况,与肥胖有关。
corrosive(adj. 有腐蚀性的) - 词源同Acrocorded,表示具有腐蚀作用的物质或行为。
1. Acrochordus acropora (鲍鱼)
2. Acrochordidae (鲍鱼科)
3. marine life (海洋生物)
4. marine environment (海洋环境)
5. biodiversity (生物多样性)
6. ecosystem (生态系统)
7. conservation efforts (保护工作)
8. sustainable development (可持续发展)
1. The Acrochordidae family is an important part of the marine ecosystem, providing food and habitat for many other species. (鲍鱼科是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,为许多其他物种提供食物和栖息地。)
2. Marine conservation efforts are crucial to preserving the biodiversity of our oceans. (海洋保护工作对于保护我们海洋的生物多样性至关重要。)
3. The Acrochordus acropora is a species that needs a sustainable environment to survive, and we must work to ensure its protection. (鲍鱼是一种需要可持续环境才能生存的物种,我们必须努力确保其得到保护。)
4. The marine environment is a crucial part of our planet"s biodiversity, and we must do everything we can to protect it. (海洋环境是地球生物多样性中至关重要的一部分,我们必须尽一切可能来保护它。)
5. The biodiversity of the ocean is a testament to the incredible power of nature, and we must do everything we can to preserve it for future generations. (海洋生物多样性是自然界不可思议的力量的一种证明,我们必须为后代子孙尽一切可能来保护它。)
6. Sustainable development requires that we protect our marine environment, ensuring that it remains a rich and diverse ecosystem for future generations. (可持续发展要求我们保护海洋环境,确保它为后代子孙保持一个丰富多样的生态系统。)
7. Acrochordus acropora and other marine species are essential to our planet"s ecosystem, and we must do everything we can to ensure their survival. (鲍鱼和其他海洋物种对于我们地球的生态系统至关重要,我们必须尽一切可能来确保它们的生存。)
Acrochordus acropora, a unique species of marine creature, plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. Its presence contributes to the biodiversity of our oceans, providing food and habitat for other species. However, with the increasing pressures of human activity, this species is at risk of extinction.
Conservation efforts must be increased to protect this species and ensure its survival in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. Marine protected areas should be established to provide a safe habitat for marine life, while sustainable fishing practices should be promoted to reduce the impact of human activity on marine ecosystems.
Ultimately, the preservation of Acrochordus acropora and other marine species is essential for maintaining the biodiversity of our oceans and ensuring their sustainability for future generations. We must work together to protect this incredible natural resource, which is essential to the health of our planet.