acromion的音标是[əˈkrəʊmɪən],基本翻译是“肩胛骨突起”。速记技巧是:acro(拉丁语词根,表示“高”)+ ion(名词后缀)→ 高出的部分→ 肩胛骨突起。
1. “acromial” - 形容词形式,意为“尖端的”。
2. “acromialgia” - 一种疼痛性疾病,也称为“肩痛”。
3. “acromioclavicular joint” - 肩关节的一部分,位于肩峰和锁骨之间。
4. “acromioclavicular arthritis” - 肩锁关节炎,一种常见的肩部疾病。
5. “acromioclavicular sprain” - 肩锁韧带扭伤,一种常见的运动伤害。
6. “acromioplasty” - 一种手术,用于治疗肩峰下撞击综合症。
7. “acrospinal” - 一种神经,与肩部和上臂有关。
8. “acrospermia” - 一种罕见的性功能障碍,与精子的产生有关。
9. “acrosphenia” - 一种罕见的先天性畸形,涉及手指和脚趾的异常。
10. “acroclitism” - 一种罕见的性功能障碍,涉及阴茎的异常弯曲。
acromion: 常用短语
1. acromion process - 肩峰突起的部分
2. acromion-clavicular joint - 肩峰锁骨关节
3. acromion-scapular joint - 肩峰肩胛骨关节
4. acromioclavicular arthritis - 肩锁关节炎
5. acromioclavicular dislocation - 肩锁脱位
6. acromion-humeral angle - 肩峰肱骨角
7. acromion-clavicular distance - 肩峰锁骨距离
1. The patient had an acute acromioclavicular dislocation and was referred for surgical treatment. (患者发生了急性肩锁脱位,接受了手术治疗。)
2. The acromion process is a prominent bony structure that helps to stabilize the shoulder joint. (肩峰突起的骨性结构有助于稳定肩关节。)
3. The acromion-clavicular joint is a common site for arthritis, especially in older adults. (肩峰锁骨关节是关节炎的好发部位,特别是在老年人群中。)
4. The acromion-humeral angle is an important measurement used in assessing shoulder function. (肩峰肱骨角是评估肩关节功能的重要测量指标。)
5. The patient"s shoulder pain was relieved after undergoing surgery for acromioclavicular arthritis. (对于肩锁关节炎患者,手术后的疼痛得到了缓解。)
6. The acromion process is a key component of the shoulder girdle and helps to maintain stability of the shoulder joint. (肩峰是肩胛骨的重要组成部分,有助于维持肩关节的稳定性。)
7. The acromion-clavicular distance is a useful measurement for assessing the severity of shoulder pain and injury. (肩峰锁骨距离对于评估肩痛和损伤的严重程度具有重要意义。)
Acromion: The Keystone of the Shoulder Girdle
The acromion, a prominent bony structure on the scapula, serves as the keystone of the shoulder girdle, helping to maintain stability and function of the joint. It forms a joint with the clavicle, which together with the scapula and rotator cuff muscles, allows for precise movements and power output in the throwing and lifting of objects.
Acromioclavicular arthritis, a common condition characterized by pain and restricted movement at this joint, can have a significant impact on daily activities and quality of life. When left untreated, it can lead to further damage and require surgical intervention. Understanding the anatomy and function of the acromion is crucial in assessing and treating conditions affecting this key component of the shoulder complex.
The acromion-humeral angle, another measurement used in assessing shoulder function, helps to determine whether there is any deviation from normal range of motion, which can indicate potential issues with shoulder stability or muscle imbalance. By keeping an eye on this angle and other related measurements, healthcare professionals can provide accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations to ensure optimal shoulder function and pain relief.
In conclusion, the acromion plays a vital role in maintaining stability and function of the shoulder joint. Understanding its anatomy and function is essential for effective diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting this key structure.