1. acropetalous(向茎部的),表示生长点在尖端,常用于花的各部分如花瓣、雄蕊等。
2. apical(尖的),来源于拉丁语词根apice(顶端),常用于描述尖端或细长的部分。
3. pedicel(小梗),由词根-pedia(脚)和-cle结尾构成,描述植物部分如花梗。
4. calyx(花萼),由词根-calx(核心)和-ex结尾构成,描述植物花冠下的部分。
5. corolla(花冠),由词根-coro-(围绕)和-la结尾构成,描述围绕在花冠下的部分。
6. pistil(雌蕊),由词根-stil(插入)和-l组成,描述植物中插入花冠或花冠下的部分。
7. stamina(雄蕊),由词根-stamen(男性部分)和-na或-on结尾构成,描述植物中与雌性部分相对的部分。
8. petal(花瓣),由词根-peto(拉扯)和-al结尾构成,描述植物中拉扯或包裹的部分。
9. phyllode(叶状突起),由词根-phyll(叶子)和-de结尾构成,描述类似于叶子的突起。
10. spur(鞭打器),由词根-spurr(鞭打)和-e结尾构成,描述用于鞭打动物的工具或部分。
1. acropetal symmetry 上下对称
2. acropetal growth 上下生长
3. acropetal whorl 上下螺旋
4. acropetally 上下地
5. acropetally twisted 上下扭曲
6. acropetally recurved 上下弯曲
7. acropetally curved 上下弯曲
1. The flowers of this plant grow in an acropetal manner.
2. The leaves of the plant are acropetally twisted.
3. The petals of the flower are acropetally recurved.
Title: The Mystery of Plant Growth
Plants grow in various ways, and one of the most interesting aspects is their growth pattern. Most plants grow in a radial pattern, which means that their leaves, branches, and flowers grow outwards from the center of the plant. However, some plants grow in an acropetal manner, which means that their parts grow upwards from the base of the plant. This growth pattern is unique and fascinating, and it can be observed in many different types of plants.
The phenomenon of acropetal growth is fascinating because it challenges our understanding of how plants grow. Typically, we think of plants as growing in a radial pattern, but acropetal growth demonstrates that there are other ways for plants to grow and adapt to their environment. This growth pattern may help plants avoid predators or capture sunlight more efficiently, and it may also help plants to adapt to different types of soil and climate conditions. Understanding the growth patterns of plants can help us to better understand their adaptations and how they interact with their environment.