1. cross-section 横截面
例句:The engineer drew a cross-section of the building to show its internal structure.
2. across the board 全面地
例句:The company"s profits have been cut across the board.
3. cross-pollination 异花授粉
例句:The two crops are cross-pollinated by bees.
4. cross-train 交叉训练
例句:She cross-trains in running, swimming and cycling.
5. cross-cutting 跨领域的
例句:The project has cross-cutting impacts on all aspects of society.
6. cross-fertilization 杂交
例句:The two species may cross-fertilize each other.
7. cross-check 交叉核对
例句:The two sets of figures have been cross-checked.
Acrosome is a concept that refers to the process of learning or doing something in different ways or contexts, rather than just one way or one context. It can help us to improve our skills and knowledge in different areas and also to broaden our perspectives and understanding of the world.
For example, when we learn a new language, we can use it for communication, but we can also use it for reading books, listening to music, or watching movies. Similarly, when we do exercise, we can do it in a gym or outdoors, but we can also do it with friends or family, or in a group or class. This way, we can improve our physical fitness and also have fun and enjoy ourselves while doing it.
Acrosome can also help us to be more open-minded and tolerant of different ways of doing things and thinking about things. We can learn from other people"s experiences and perspectives, and this can help us to become more inclusive and understanding of others.
In conclusion, Acrosome is a valuable concept that can help us to improve our skills, knowledge, and perspectives in different areas, and it can also help us to be more open-minded and inclusive of others.