Actinidia: 该词源自希腊语,意为“actinous的衍生词”,actinous意为“有活力的,活泼的”。Actinidia是一个植物学词汇,用于描述一种名为“猕猴桃”的水果。
变化形式:在英语中,Actinidia 的词形一般不变。
1. Actinide( actinid + ide = actinide, actinoid):锕系元素,指化学性质类似于镭的元素。
2. Actinometry( actin + ometry = actinometry):一种测量肌肉活动的技术。
3. Actinoblastic( actin + blastic = actinoblastic):指细胞形态学上具有强烈变形和分裂特征的细胞。
4. Actinorhodometer( actin + orrhod + meter = actinorhodometer):一种测量光敏色素反应强度的仪器。
5. Actinogenesis( actin + ogen + ysis = actinogenesis):指细胞分化为肌动蛋白细胞的过程。
6. Actinide metal( actinide + metal = actinide metal):指锕系金属元素制成的金属材料。
7. Actinic( actin + ic = actinic):指具有辐射性的,如阳光的辐射。
8. Actinobiont( actin + obiont = actinobiont):指与某种生物共生的细胞或组织。
9. Actinophage( actin + phage = actinophage):一种噬菌体,专门感染活细胞内的细菌。
10. Actinopterygian( actinop + ergi + yrian = actinopterygian):指一类具有强壮骨骼和流线型身体的鱼类。
1. actinidia fruit
2. actinidia harvest
3. actinidia market
4. actinidia plantation
5. actinidia production
6. actinidia processing
7. actinidia value
1. We sell a variety of actinidia fruits at our store.
2. The actinidia harvest is a crucial time for farmers.
3. The actinidia market is booming in this region.
4. The actinidia plantation covers a large area of land.
5. The actinidia production in our factory is high quality.
6. The actinidia processing industry is a profitable business.
7. The actinidia value of this fruit is high in the market.
Actinidia fruit is a popular and delicious fruit that is grown in many parts of the world. It is a versatile fruit that can be eaten fresh, processed into juice or jam, or used in various recipes. It is a healthy and nutritious food that is rich in vitamins and minerals and is a great source of antioxidants. In addition, actinidia fruit has a unique taste and texture that makes it a favorite among many people. I hope you all enjoy eating actinidia fruit as much as I do!