actinium的音标为["æktɪnɪm] ,基本翻译为锕系元素或锿,速记技巧为:锕系元素——锕锕系(锕系元素)。
1. actinide(锕系元素):指锕系元素是一组化学性质与周期表中锕系类似的元素。
2. actinium ion(镅离子):指镅离子是一种放射性化学元素,化学符号为Am,原子序数为97。
3. actinium salt(镅盐):指镅盐是一种化学物质,通常指由镅原子或镅离子与酸或碱形成的盐。
4. actinium radioactivity(锕系放射性):指锕系放射性是指一组具有放射性的化学元素,其原子核自发地放出粒子或射线并发生衰变。
5. actinium decay(锕系衰变):指锕系衰变是指一组具有放射性的化学元素的衰变方式。
6. actinium-225(镅-225):是一种放射性同位素,半衰期长达2.67万年,是锕系元素中最具放射性的成员之一。
7. actinium-uranium cycle(锕铀循环):指在核反应堆中,锕系元素和铀系元素可以相互作用形成新的核素,这个过程被称为锕铀循环。
8. actinium-beryllium alloy(镅铍合金):指镅铍合金是一种金属合金,其中镅和铍是主要成分。
9. actinium-beryllium oxide(镅铍氧化物):指镅铍氧化物是一种化学物质,是镅和铍的氧化物混合物。
10. actinium-lead oxide(镅铅氧化物):指镅铅氧化物是一种化学物质,是镅和铅的氧化物混合物。
1. actinium-226
2. actinium-238
3. actinium metal
4. actinium oxide
5. actinium ion
6. actinium-234
7. actinium-237
8. actinium-235
1. Actinium is a highly radioactive element.
2. Actinium has a wide range of applications in nuclear energy.
3. Actinium is used in medical imaging and radiation therapy.
4. Actinium is also used in nuclear waste treatment and recycling.
5. Actinium is a highly toxic substance that must be handled with care.
6. Actinium is a valuable resource that must be carefully managed and recycled.
7. The discovery of actinium has opened up a new era of nuclear science and technology.
Actinium: The Radiant Element
Actinium is a highly radioactive element that has played a vital role in the development of nuclear science and technology. With its unique properties, actinium has been used in a wide range of applications, including medical imaging, radiation therapy, nuclear waste treatment, and more. However, actinium is also a highly toxic substance that must be handled with the utmost care to ensure the safety of both humans and the environment. The discovery of actinium has opened up a new era of nuclear science and technology, paving the way for even more advanced applications in the future.