activated sludge的音标为["æktɪvaɪtɪd ˈslʌsɪdʒ],基本翻译为“活化污泥”,速记技巧为“activated”可以理解为“激活的”,“sludge”可以理解为“污泥”。
Activated Sludge这个词的词源可以追溯到英语中的“activated”和“sludge”两个部分。其中,“activated”意为“激活的”,来源于拉丁语“activus”,意为“活跃的”或“积极的”。而“sludge”则直接来源于英语,意为“污泥”或“淤泥”。
这个词的变化形式主要是词形的变化,比如复数形式“activated sludges”,过去式和过去分词形式“activated sludge”等。
相关单词方面,与Activated Sludge相关的单词有很多,比如aeration(充气)、flocculation(絮凝)、flotation(浮选)、biosulfurization(生物硫化)、biosludge(生物污泥)等。这些单词都与污水处理和废水处理相关,反映了污水处理技术的发展和进步。
总的来说,Activated Sludge是一个重要的污水处理技术术语,反映了现代废水处理和环境科学的发展。
1. activated sludge treatment
2. sludge dewatering
3. sludge digestion
4. sludge storage
5. sludge disposal
6. sludge recycling
7. sludge treatment plant
1. The activated sludge treatment plant has been operating for years and is now producing clean water.
2. The sludge dewatering process is crucial for reducing the volume of waste and improving its disposal efficiency.
3. Sludge digestion is a necessary step in the treatment process to reduce the amount of waste and make it more environmentally friendly.
4. The sludge storage facility must be properly maintained to ensure its long-term stability and safety.
5. The sludge disposal process must be carried out in a safe and environmentally friendly manner to protect the environment and human health.
6. Sludge recycling is becoming increasingly important as it reduces the amount of waste generated and reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal.
7. Sludge treatment plants are essential for ensuring the cleanliness of water sources and protecting the environment.
标题:The Importance of Activated Sludge Treatment
Activated sludge treatment is a crucial process in ensuring clean water and a healthy environment. This process involves using bacteria to break down waste materials in water, which ultimately results in the production of clean water. The dewatering of the sludge, digestion of the waste, storage of the treated waste, and safe disposal are all essential steps in ensuring that the process is carried out effectively and safely. Furthermore, recycling of the treated waste is becoming increasingly important as it reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal and reduces the amount of waste generated. Activated sludge treatment plants are essential for maintaining clean water sources and protecting the environment, making it crucial to ensure that these plants are properly maintained and operated to ensure their long-term effectiveness and efficiency.