Activism 源于拉丁语 activus,意为“活跃的,积极的”。
- 名词形式 activism,意为“积极行动主义”。
- 形容词形式 activist,意为“积极的,活跃的”。
- Activist 积极分子:指积极参与社会活动的人。
- Activities 活动:指积极行动或参与的各种活动。
- Activator 激活剂:指能够使某物活跃或起作用的物质。
- Activate 使活跃:指使某物变得活跃或起作用。
- Actively 积极地:表示积极行动或参与某事的程度。
- Activeness 积极性:指人的积极性和活力。
- Activism 积极主义:指积极行动主义,是一种社会运动或政治理念。
- Activatorism 积极分子运动:指积极行动主义者的运动或活动。
- Activist 主义:指积极行动主义者,是一种政治或社会团体。
以上单词都与 activism 相关,描述了其含义和用法。这些单词也反映了积极行动主义的理念,即积极参与社会活动,推动社会进步和变革。
1. activism in the public interest
2. civil rights activism
3. grassroots activism
4. social justice activism
5. environmental activism
6. political activism
7. protest activism
1. 我支持公民权利运动,因为它代表了我们的基本权利。
I support civil rights activism because it represents our fundamental rights.
2. 环保活动家们正在积极推动环保运动,以保护我们的地球。
Environmental activists are actively promoting environmental movement to protect our planet.
3. 政治活动家们正在努力争取选举权,以改善人民的生活条件。
Political activists are working hard to secure the right to vote and improve people"s living conditions.
4. 社区活动家们经常组织集会,以呼吁解决公共问题。
Community activists often organize gatherings to call for solutions to public issues.
5. 这些抗议活动激发了公众对种族歧视问题的关注。
These protest activities have sparked public concern about racial discrimination issues.
6. 这些环保组织的活动旨在提高人们对环境问题的认识。
The activities of these environmental organizations aim to raise awareness of environmental issues.
7. 这些社会活动家们正在努力推动社会公正和平等。
These social activists are working hard to promote social justice and equality.
Activism is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change in society. It involves taking action to promote causes that are important to us, whether it"s advocating for social justice, environmental protection, or any other cause that we believe in. Through activism, we can make a difference in the lives of others and contribute to a better world.
However, activism doesn"t just mean shouting from the rooftops or taking to the streets. It also involves being active in other ways, such as joining campaigns, writing letters to the editor, or sharing information about relevant issues on social media. By doing so, we can help bring awareness to important issues and encourage others to join the cause.
Moreover, activism requires persistence and perseverance. It"s not always easy to face opposition and criticism, but we must remain steadfast in our efforts and never give up hope. By staying committed, we can make a real difference in the lives of those around us and inspire others to do the same.
In conclusion, activism is not just a movement, it"s a way of life that can bring about positive change in our society. By being active in causes that we believe in, we can make a difference and contribute to a better world for ourselves and future generations.