a house of cards的音标是[ə] [hʊs] [əʊs] [kɑːts],基本翻译是“一堆纸牌搭成的房子”,速记技巧是“house”谐音为“好死”,理解为“纸牌屋”。
a house of cards 是一个英语成语,源自拉丁语“domus cardanorum”,意为“用纸牌搭成的房子”。
在英语中,这个成语的形式没有发生太大的变化,仍然是“a house of cards”。
1. card(纸牌):纸牌是构成“house of cards”的基础元素。
2. house(房子):纸牌搭成的房子可以被视为一种象征性的房子。
3. builder(建筑师):搭纸牌房的人可以被视为建筑师。
4. collapse(倒塌):纸牌房的倒塌是成语的含义之一。
5. foundation(基础):基础是纸牌房能否稳定的关键。
6. stability(稳定性):稳定的结构才能被称为“house of cards”,而不稳定的结构则不能。
7. structure(结构):结构是构成任何一种建筑的基础,包括纸牌房。
8. fragile(易碎的):纸牌房的特点就是易碎,因此可以用来形容其他脆弱的事物。
9. disbelief(怀疑):当看到一个由纸牌构成的房子时,人们可能会感到怀疑,因为这违反了人们的常识。
10. trust(信任):只有在人们信任的情况下,才会有人愿意尝试用纸牌搭房子。这也反映了人们对于信任的重视。
1. a house of cards:岌岌可危的局面,不稳固的基础
2. build a house of cards:建造不稳固的基础
3. knock down the house of cards:推翻不稳固的基础
4. card house:纸牌屋
5. card castle:纸牌城堡
6. card stacking:玩纸牌游戏
7. card game:纸牌游戏
8. play cards with one"s head in the air:冒险行事
1. The company"s financial situation is like a house of cards, and I don"t trust the management"s promises.
2. They spent all their savings on building a new house, but it turned out to be a house of cards.
3. The government"s economic policies are like knocking down the house of cards, and it"s causing widespread panic.
4. They built their business on a foundation of lies and now it"s all coming crashing down, like a house of cards.
5. The new technology is promising, but it"s still just a card house until we see it in action.
6. I"m not going to play poker with my head in the air, I"m going to be careful and plan my moves.
7. The market is full of scams and Ponzi schemes, playing cards with one"s head in the air is not a wise move.
标题:Card House of Dreams
I dream of building my own card house, a place where I can escape from the hustle and bustle of life and create my own world. But I know that it"s just a dream, a house of cards that could collapse at any moment. I have to be careful not to rely too much on my dreams and not to let them become my whole world. I need to build a solid foundation for my future, not just rely on my dreams to support me. But for now, I can dream and build my card house, and hope that one day it will become a real house that I can call my own.