a point of view的音标是[ə "pɔɪnt əv vɪw],基本翻译是“观点”,速记技巧是“po”可以理解为“点”。
Point of view 的词源:
- 词源:拉丁语 perspectus,意为“被观察的”。
- 复数形式:perspectiva
- 过去式:perspective
- 过去分词:perspective
- perspective painting(透视画):一种利用透视法来表现物体远近和大小的绘画技巧。
- objective perspective(客观透视):一种在绘画中使用的透视方法,强调观察者的位置和角度,使得画面中的物体看起来是真实的。
- subjective perspective(主观透视):一种在绘画中使用的透视方法,强调画家的情感和主观感受,使得画面中的物体看起来是主观的。
- binocular perspective(双眼透视):一种在绘画中使用的透视方法,强调两只眼睛的观察角度,使得画面中的物体看起来是立体的。
- topographic perspective(地形透视):一种在地图绘制中使用的透视方法,通过模拟地形的高低起伏来表现地形的特征。
- foreshortening(透视缩短):在透视中,物体在画面上的表现方式,使得物体看起来是立体的。
- foreshortened view(透视视角):一种通过使用透视法来表现物体远近和大小的视角。
- aerial perspective(空气透视):一种在绘画中使用的技巧,通过表现空气中的光线和颜色来表现物体的远近和大小。
- bird"s eye view(鸟瞰图):一种从高处俯瞰的视角,通常用于表现城市或景物的全貌。
1. from one"s own point of view
2. from another person"s point of view
3. a different point of view
4. a broader point of view
5. a more objective point of view
6. a more subjective point of view
7. a more rational/irrational point of view
1. I see the issue from my own point of view, but I understand that there are other perspectives.
2. We need to consider the issue from another person"s point of view, as it may affect them differently.
3. She has a different point of view from everyone else, but her opinions are well-reasoned and grounded in evidence.
4. His broader point of view is that we should approach this issue with an open mind and not be limited by our own biases.
5. We need to adopt a more objective point of view and avoid being subjective in our evaluations.
6. Sometimes we need to adopt a more rational/irrational point of view and not be swayed by emotions or personal biases.
7. I am considering all sides of the issue, but I am still struggling to find a more balanced perspective.
Point of View - Perspective Matters
When we look at something, we often have a certain perspective or way of seeing it. This perspective can influence our opinions and judgments, and it can also shape our actions and decisions. Therefore, it is important to consider different perspectives and try to understand other people"s points of view.
When we argue or discuss an issue, we need to approach it from different perspectives to avoid being biased or limited by our own opinions. We need to consider the impact of our actions and decisions on others, and we need to be willing to listen and learn from others who have a different perspective than us. By doing so, we can develop a more objective and balanced perspective that can help us make better decisions and lead us to a more harmonious and inclusive society.