a succession of的音标是[əˈsəʊʃnəʊ],基本翻译是“一系列,一连串”。速记技巧是:可以尝试使用谐音记忆法,将其记作“饿死烧”。这样记,可以联想到饥饿的人面前有一连串的食物,从而帮助记忆。
a succession of 的英文词源变化形式为:
success:来自拉丁语 successus,意为“发生,出现”,其动词形式为 succedere,意为“接续,继任”。
succession:来自拉丁语 successio,意为“连续,接续”,其动词形式为 successere,意为“继承,接续”。
1. success story 成功故事:指某人或某事的成功经历或故事。
2. success rate 成功率:指在某个特定领域或情况下成功完成某项任务或目标的比例。
3. success story 成功人士:指在某个领域或行业中取得巨大成功的人。
4. success factor 成功因素:指影响某项任务或目标成功与否的关键因素。
5. success story 成功案例:指某个特定事件或项目的成功经验或故事。
6. succession plan 继任计划:指为了确保组织或机构在领导层更替时的平稳过渡而制定的计划。
7. succession gap 继任鸿沟:指组织或机构在领导层更替时可能出现的管理空白和混乱。
8. succession coach 继任教练:指为组织或机构提供领导层继任培训和指导的专业人士。
9. succession strategy 继任战略:指组织或机构为确保领导层更替时的平稳过渡而制定的战略规划。
10. succession management 继任管理:指组织或机构对领导层更替过程中的各种问题和挑战进行管理的过程。
以上这些单词都与“a succession of”相关,描述了成功、继承、接续等概念。这些单词在英语中广泛应用,反映了人们对成功的追求和对领导层更替的重视。
1. a series of 一系列,一连串
2. follow one after another 一个个接连地
3. in succession 连续地,接连地
4. successively 依次地,一个接一个地
5. one after another 一个接一个
6. in turn 依次,轮流
7. in any order 不按任何顺序
1. A series of unfortunate events followed one after another, leaving the family devastated.
2. The students filed in one after another to take the exam.
3. The rain came in succession, drenching the field.
4. They watched TV in turn, with each taking a turn at the controls.
5. The students will sit for a series of exams in the next few days.
6. They will be arriving in any order, so please be prepared for anything.
7. The students will have to learn to work together in any order to complete the project.
My favorite hobby is playing basketball, which I do every day after school. I enjoy playing basketball because it helps me keep fit and it also brings me and my friends closer together. I play with my friends on a court and we compete against each other, but we also help each other improve our skills and have fun together. It is a great way to relieve stress and have some fun at the same time. However, playing basketball can also be a bit frustrating at times because it requires a lot of practice and effort to improve your skills. Nevertheless, I enjoy every moment of it and it is a great way to spend my free time.