"ab ovo"的音标是 [əˈbəʊəʊ],意思是“从卵开始”。速记技巧:可以尝试将每个音节拆分并记忆,即“a”发/æ/音,“bo”发/əʊ/音,最后的“o”发/əʊ/音。
1. Egg - 基本单词,意为“鸡蛋”,是许多与蛋相关的食品和动物的名称。
2. Evolution - 意为“进化”,是一个重要的科学概念,广泛应用于生物学和哲学领域。
3. Evolve - 意为“发展,演变”,是一个动词,表示逐渐发展或变化。
4. Evo-biology - 是一个学科领域,研究生物的进化过程。
5. Evo-tecture - 是一个合成词,意为“进化建筑”,是一种关注建筑与环境、历史和未来之间的关系的建筑理念。
6. Evolve-mate - 是一个合成词,意为“相互发展匹配”,用于描述两个物种之间相互适应、共同进化的关系。
7. Evo-logical - 是一个形容词,意为“与进化有关的”。
8. Evo-devo - 是一个合成词,意为“发育进化”,是生物学的一个研究领域,关注发育过程与生物进化的关系。
9. Ovo-lithic - 是一个合成词,意为“以卵石为食的”,描述一种特殊的饮食习性。
10. Ovo-eating - 是一个动词短语,意为“吃鸡蛋”,通常用于描述某种动物或人类饮食习惯。
1. ab initio 从头开始
2. ab ovo 从头到尾
3. ex ovo 从小到大
4. ex nihilo 凭空
5. ex utero 在子宫内
6. ex utero ex ovo 先天后天
7. ex utero ex nihilo 先天不足后天补
1. We need to start from scratch to complete this project.
2. The company has grown from scratch to become a global leader.
3. She has overcome many challenges ex ovo to become a successful businesswoman.
4. The child"s development is influenced by both ex utero and ex nihilo factors.
5. The sculpture was created ex utero, with the artist"s hands shaping the stone.
6. The company"s success is due to its ability to adapt ex utero ex nihilo.
7. She is a product of both her parents" love and nurturing ex utero, and her own hard work ex nihilo.
From Scratch to Global Leader
Many companies start from scratch, with no resources or experience, but with a strong vision and a will to succeed. This is what happened with our company, which started from scratch and has grown into a global leader in its industry.
We started with a simple idea and a dream, and we worked hard to turn that dream into a reality. We learned from our mistakes and took advantage of our opportunities, always staying true to our values and our mission. We never gave up, even when faced with challenges and difficulties, and we never lost sight of our goal.
Today, we are proud to say that we have grown from scratch to become a global leader, with a strong team of dedicated employees and a commitment to quality and customer service that sets us apart from the competition. Our success is not just about the money or the size of our company, but about the satisfaction we bring to our customers and the impact we have on the world around us.
We believe that with hard work, perseverance, and a strong sense of purpose, anything is possible. We are not done yet, and we will continue to work hard to achieve even greater successes in the future.