1. slaughterhouse:指屠宰场,是abattoirs的近义词。这个词也来源于英语,意为“杀死动物的地方”。
2. carcass:指动物的尸体,这个词来源于拉丁语“caro”,意为“肉”。这个词在英语中经常与屠宰场相关联,因为屠宰场通常处理动物的尸体。
3. butcher:指屠夫,这个词来源于英语,意为“屠宰动物的人”。这个词也与屠宰场相关联,因为屠夫的工作就是在屠宰场里工作。
4. slaughter:指屠杀,这个词来源于英语,意为“杀死动物”。这个词也可以用作动词,表示进行屠杀的行为。
5. butchery:指屠宰,这个词来源于英语,意为“屠宰动物的行为”。这个词通常用于描述专业的屠宰行为。
6. carnivore:指食肉动物,这个词来源于拉丁语“carnus”,意为“肉”。这个词与屠宰场相关联,因为食肉动物通常在屠宰场里被捕获。
7. flesh:指肉,这个词来源于英语,意为“动物的肉”。这个词与屠宰场相关联,因为屠宰场通常处理动物的肉。
8. meat:指肉类食品,这个词来源于英语,意为“肉”。这个词也与屠宰场相关联,因为肉类食品通常是在屠宰场里生产出来的。
9. slaughterhouse worker:指屠宰场工人,这个词是由“屠宰场工人”和“worker”组成的合成词。这个词描述的是在屠宰场里工作的人。
10. butcher shop:指屠夫店,是“屠夫”和“店”组成的合成词。这个词描述的是出售肉类食品的商店。
1. slaughterhouse
2. carcass
3. butcher
4. slaughter
5. dismember
6. chop up
7. cut into pieces
1. We drove to the abattoir to watch the animals being slaughtered.
2. The butcher chopped up the carcass into small pieces for sale.
3. The slaughterhouse workers dismembered the dead animal into smaller pieces for processing.
4. I can"t stand the smell of blood and guts in the abattoir.
5. The butcher cut the meat into slices for customers to buy.
6. The butcher"s knife was sharp and efficient as he chopped up the meat quickly.
7. The abattoir is a place where animals are killed for food production.
Abattoirs are places where animals are killed for food production. In the abattoir, animals are slaughtered and their carcasses are butchered into pieces for sale or consumption. However, some people may find the smell and sight of blood and guts in the abattoir unpleasant or even distressing. Nevertheless, it is essential for food production and it is also a way of providing meat for people who cannot afford to buy it from other sources. Abattoirs also play an important role in ensuring that animals are treated humanely and with respect during their lives, as they are usually subject to strict regulations and inspections to ensure that they are not mistreated or killed in an unethical way.