1. 巧用字母代号:如Q代表“质量”,W代表“重量”,U代表“统一”等。
2. 巧用汉字简拼:如把“单位”简称为“单”,把“计划”简称为“划”等。
3. 巧用数字符号:如把“人民币”简称为“¥”,把“十分之一”简称为“十倍”等。
4. 巧用汉字拼音首字母:如把“标准”简称为“准”,把“材料”简称为“料”等。
1. abbreviation - ab- (来自拉丁语前缀 "ab-", 表示 "away from") + brevis (来自拉丁语形容词 "brevis", 表示 "short")。相关单词:abbreviate (缩写),abbreviator (缩写者)
2. Internet - Inter- (表示 "between") + net (网络)相关单词:intranet (内部网络),internet connection (互联网连接)
3. email - e- (表示 "electronic") + mail (邮件)相关单词:e-mail server (电子邮件服务器)
4. URL -Uniform Resource Locator (统一资源定位符)相关单词:web address (网址),site (网站)
5. ATM - Automatic Teller Machine (自动取款机)相关单词:cashier (出纳员),withdraw (取款)
6. DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid (脱氧核糖核酸)相关单词:ribonucleic acid (核糖核酸)
7. AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫缺陷综合征)相关单词:immune (免疫的),deficiency (缺乏)
8. SEO - Search Engine Optimization (搜索引擎优化)相关单词:search engine (搜索引擎),optimization (优化)
9. PDA - Personal Digital Assistant (个人数字助理)相关单词:digital camera (数码相机),mobile phone (手机)
10. VPN - Virtual Private Network (虚拟专用网络)相关单词:private network (专用网络),secure connection (安全连接)
1. in a nutshell
2. at the drop of a hat
3. hit or miss
4. off the cuff
5. on the fly
6. hit the ground running
7. hit the nail on the head
1. In a nutshell, success is determined by hard work and perseverance.
2. At the drop of a hat, she can adapt to any situation.
3. Hit or miss, she finds ways to help those in need.
4. Off the cuff, he can come up with creative solutions to problems.
5. On the fly, she manages to complete her work efficiently and accurately.
6. Hit the ground running when she starts a new job, she quickly gets to know her responsibilities and gets things done.
7. His comments hit the nail on the head when he pointed out our company"s strengths and weaknesses.
When it comes to abbreviations, they are everywhere in our daily lives. From business documents to social media posts, abbreviations have become an essential part of communication. However, it can be challenging to understand them without context. Here are some examples of common abbreviations and their meanings:
1. CEO: Chief Executive Officer - the top executive of a company.
2. PM: Project Manager - responsible for managing a project from start to finish.
3. HR: Human Resources - the department responsible for hiring, training, and managing employees.
4. SEO: Search Engine Optimization - the process of improving a website"s visibility in search results.
5. CRM: Customer Relationship Management - software that helps companies track and manage customer data.
6. TPS: This Page Served - a message sent by a web server to indicate that a page has been served to a user"s browser.
7. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions - a list of commonly asked questions and their answers.
Abbreviations have become an integral part of modern communication, but they can be tricky to understand without context. It is important to remember that abbreviations have their origins in specific contexts and may have different meanings in different contexts.