Abelia的音标为["æbɪliə] ,基本翻译为“阿贝利亚”,速记技巧为:阿贝利亚/谐音“啊贝利呀”/联想:阿贝利亚的植物很漂亮。
1. Ableness:表示友好的特质或性格。
2. Ablitude:表示友善或亲切的行为或态度。
3. Abluence:表示友善或亲切的行为或环境。
1. go to town
2. hit the road
3. break the ice
4. hit a brick wall
5. hit the ground running
6. hit the books
7. hit the sack
1. We"re going to go to town today and do some shopping.
2. After a long day at work, I hit the books to study for my next exam.
3. Trying to break the ice with a new coworker can be difficult.
4. Our team hit a brick wall and couldn"t make it to the finals.
5. I hit the ground running once I got to my new job.
6. It"s time to hit the sack, I need to rest up for tomorrow"s big event.
My New Year"s Resolution
Every year at the start of the new year, I make a list of goals and resolutions that I want to accomplish in the coming year. This year, my top priority is to improve my study habits and hit the books more often, so that I can achieve my academic goals and become a better student overall. To achieve this goal, I plan to set aside specific time each day to study and make sure to prioritize my studies over other activities. Additionally, I will try to break the ice with new people and expand my social circle, as this will help me develop better communication skills and make new friends. Finally, I will try to hit the ground running once I start a new job or project, so that I can be productive and effective from the get-go. I am confident that with these resolutions, I will achieve my goals and become a better person overall in the coming year.