alerts 的音标是["ə:lt] ,基本翻译是警报。速记技巧可以是:可以把它分解为几个部分,"a"和"l"和"t"都是很容易记住的字母,"er"可以想象成一只警报器,而"s"可以想象成链条,把这几个部分联想起来就可以快速记住这个单词了。
1. alert the authorities
例句:If you see any suspicious activity, please alert the authorities immediately.
2. be on high alert
例句:We are always on high alert for potential threats.
3. be alert to
例句:Be alert to your surroundings when walking alone at night.
4. be alert for
例句:I am always alert for opportunities to improve my skills.
5. be on the alert
例句:I am always on the alert for opportunities to learn new things.
6. be alert to potential risks
例句:We must be alert to potential risks in our business operations.
7. be on high alert for danger
例句:We must be on high alert for danger when we go out at night.
标题: Alertness in Life
Life is full of unexpected situations and dangers that can arise at any time. To ensure a safe and happy life, it is essential to maintain a high level of alertness at all times. Whether it"s being aware of potential risks in your environment, staying vigilant when walking alone at night, or being on the lookout for opportunities to improve your skills, being alert can help you avoid trouble and seize opportunities. It also helps to maintain a positive mindset and stay calm under pressure, which are essential for effective decision-making and handling unexpected situations. Therefore, it is recommended to always keep a close eye on what"s going on around you, stay vigilant, and seize every opportunity that comes your way.