1. Aletheasable - 意为“可变的真实”,指可以改变或适应的真相或事实。
2. Aletheate - 意为“揭示真实”,指揭示或揭露真相的行为或事件。
3. Aletheic - 意为“真实的”,强调事物的真实性或可靠性。
4. Aletheism - 意为“真实信仰”,指对真理和信仰的追求和坚持。
5. Aletheist - 意为“信仰真实的人”,指对真理和真相有坚定信仰的人。
6. Aletheicism - 意为“真实主义”,是一种哲学或思想流派,强调真实和真理的重要性。
7. Aletheology - 意为“揭示学”,指研究揭示真相和真理的学科或领域。
8. Aletheologyian - 意为“揭示学专家”,指专门研究揭示真相和真理的专家或学者。
9. Aletheology - 意为“无欺诈学”,是一种伦理学或道德理论,强调诚实和无欺诈的重要性。
10. Aletheon - 意为“真实之地”,指一个充满真实和真理的地方或领域。
1. in the long run 长期来看
例句:The company"s decision to invest in new technology will pay off in the long run.
2. on a daily basis 每天
例句:I exercise on a daily basis to stay healthy.
3. at the drop of a hat 一句话的事儿
例句:He agreed to help us right at the drop of a hat.
4. keep one"s eye on 关注
例句:I always keep my eye on the news to stay up-to-date.
5. hit a brick wall 遇到难题
例句:I tried to pitch my idea to the boss, but hit a brick wall.
6. be on one"s toes 保持警觉
例句:We always have to be on our toes when dealing with customers.
7. take a breather 休息一下
例句:After a long day at work, I like to take a breather and unwind.
When it comes to success, it"s not just about hard work and dedication, it"s also about being flexible and adaptable. Successful people are always on their toes, keeping an eye on the latest trends and opportunities, while also being able to adapt quickly to changes in their environment. They know that success is not a straight path, but a series of ups and downs, and they are willing to keep their eyes open and their feet moving to navigate through these challenges. On the other hand, they also know that taking a breather is essential for maintaining energy and motivation, so they balance their work and personal lives to keep themselves refreshed and ready for the next challenge. In conclusion, success is not just about achieving goals, but also about how you go about achieving them. Being flexible, adaptable, and resilient are key qualities for success in today"s fast-paced world.