1. 联想记忆:将单词与熟悉的事物相联系,例如,将Aleurites与“爱食物”谐音化联想记忆。
2. 总结规律:观察单词的发音和结构,找出其中的规律,有助于快速记忆。
3. 多写多练:多次重复书写和练习是快速记忆的关键,可以尝试将单词书写在便利贴上,贴在家中或随身携带。
4. 利用碎片时间:在等待时间(如排队、候车等)记忆单词,可以充分利用碎片时间。
Aleurite drop(蜡样滴):一种在植物学中用于描述植物组织中蜡质物质的术语。
Aleuritic acid(Aleurite酸):一种天然存在的脂肪酸,具有许多生物活性。
Aleuritic ester(Aleurite酯):一种由脂肪酸和醇形成的化合物,常见于植物油中。
Aleuritic wax(Aleurites蜡):指从植物中提取的蜡质物质,常用于化妆品和涂料中。
Aleurites fordii( Ford的Aleurites):一种常见的植物,也被称为Ford"s Aleurites或Fordia wightiana。
Aleurites mollicus(Aleurites微小的):一种常见的树种,也被称为Aleurites microcarpus或Aleurites mollicus var. acuminatus。
Aleurites pinnatus(Aleurites羽状):一种常见的植物,也被称为Aleurites pinnatus或Aleurites mollicus var. pinnatus。
Aleurites tristaniae(Tristania的Aleurites):一种常见的植物,也被称为Tristania Aleurites或Tristania peltata。这些植物具有许多药用和营养价值。
1. Aleurites fordii (阿勒榆)
2. Aleurites fordii oil (阿勒榆油)
3. Aleurites fordii extract (阿勒榆提取物)
4. Aleurites fordii resin (阿勒榆树脂)
5. Aleurites fordii extractive (阿勒榆提取物)
6. Aleurites fordii oleoresin (阿勒榆油树脂)
7. Aleurites fordii essential oil (阿勒榆精油)
1. The use of Aleurites fordii oil in cosmetics has been shown to improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
2. The extract of Aleurites fordii has been used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases.
3. The oleoresin of Aleurites fordii is used in the manufacture of adhesives and sealants.
4. The essential oil of Aleurites fordii is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and stress reduction.
5. The resin of Aleurites fordii is used in the production of paints and varnishes.
6. The oil from Aleurites fordii is also used in the production of biodiesel fuel.
7. The oil from Aleurites fordii is a highly valuable natural resource that can be used in a variety of ways.
The importance of Aleurites fordii
Aleurites fordii, a species of tree commonly found in Asia, is a highly valuable natural resource that has many uses. Its oil, extract, resin, extractive, oleoresin, and essential oil are all used in various industries and can be found in many products we use every day. From cosmetics to adhesives, paints and varnishes, to biodiesel fuel, Aleurites fordii plays an important role in modern society. Its benefits are not limited to the industrial world, however; the essential oil from Aleurites fordii has also been used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and stress reduction, and its resin has been used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases. As we continue to explore and utilize this resource, it is important to ensure that its sustainable use does not harm the environment or the communities that depend on it for their livelihoods.