"algebraic term" 的音标为 [ˌældʒɪərɪəˈtɜːm] ,基本翻译为"代数术语"或"代数用语"。
速记技巧:可以将 "algebraic" 拆分为 "algebra" 和 "term",分别表示 "代数" 和 "术语",从而快速记忆该词。此外,还可以利用谐音记忆法,将该词与 "爱几何体" 联系起来,帮助记忆。
Algebraic term 的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语“algebra”这个词,意为“测量”或“绘图”。它的主要组成部分是“algebra”和“ic”,表示与数学相关的。
1. Algebraic - 形容词,表示与代数相关的。
2. algebra - 名词,表示代数这门学科。
1. arithmetic - 算术,词源同algebraic,因为它们都涉及到数字的计算。
2. equation - 方程,由equal(相等)和uantity(量)组成,表示等式两边相等的量。
3. polynomial - 多项式,由poly(多)和nomial(项)组成,表示由多项式组成的表达式。
4. exponential - 指数函数,由expo(表示乘方)和nential(数字)组成,表示与乘方相关的函数。
5. fraction - 分数,由frac(表示部分)和tion(名词后缀)组成,表示部分与整体的关系。
6. integral - 积分,由in(向内)和tegral(整体)组成,表示对一个函数的积分。
7. function - 函数,来自拉丁语“fungere”(意为“进行”)和“mentum”(意为“表面”)组合而成,表示在表面上进行的某种过程或行为。
8. graph - 图表,词源同algebraic,因为它们都涉及到图形表示。
9. linear - 线性,词源同algebraic,因为它们都涉及到直线相关的概念。
10. quadratic - 二次的,词源同algebraic,因为它们都涉及到二次方程相关的概念。
1. algebraic expression
2. polynomial equation
3. quadratic equation
4. radical equation
5. factorization
6. group of numbers
7. linear combination
1. Solve the algebraic expression for x. (解这个x的代数表达式)
2. The polynomial equation has no solution. (这个多项式方程无解)
3. The quadratic equation has two solutions. (这个二次方程有两个解)
4. The factorization of the radical equation is difficult. (这个根式方程的因式分解很难)
5. The group of numbers includes all even numbers. (这组数字包括所有偶数)
6. The linear combination of the two equations equals zero. (这两个方程的线性组合等于零)
7. The algebraic terms represent the relationship between the variables. (这些代数项代表变量之间的关系)
Algebraic terms are essential to understanding mathematical relationships between variables. They help us to identify patterns and solve equations, which are fundamental tools in many fields of study, including science, engineering, and economics. Through the use of algebraic terms, we can gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and develop effective strategies for solving problems. In this way, algebraic terms serve as a bridge between abstract mathematical concepts and practical applications, making them an indispensable part of mathematical thinking.