alginic acid的音标为["ælgɪnɪk] ,基本翻译为“粘性物质”,速记技巧为“al”可以联想到“粘性”,“gin”可以联想到“基因”,“ic”可以联想到“化学物质”。
Alginic acid的英文词源:
Alginic acid的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语“algum”或“alga”,意为海藻。这个词后来被引入英语,并演变成“algin”。
1. Alginate:n. 藻酸盐,藻酸盐衍生物。
2. Alginic:adj. 藻酸的,n. 藻酸盐。
1. Alginic acid衍生的alginate是一种天然高分子化合物,广泛用于食品、化妆品和制药工业中。
2. Alginate hydrolysate:藻酸盐水解物。是一种营养物质,含有多种氨基酸和维生素。
3. Alginate gum:藻酸胶,是一种天然胶黏剂,具有很强的粘附力。
4. Alginate lyase:藻酸酯酶,是一种能够分解藻酸盐的酶。
5. Alginateosomes:藻酸盐包合物,是一种药物传递系统。
6. Alginate fibers:藻酸纤维,是一种生物可降解材料。
7. Alginate-based hydrogels:基于藻酸的凝胶。在生物医学和组织工程中广泛应用。
8. Alginate-coated microspheres:藻酸盐包覆微球,是一种药物传递系统,能够保护药物免受降解并控制释放。
9. Alginate-based polymers:藻酸盐聚合物,是一种生物材料,具有生物相容性和可降解性。
10. Alginate-based hydrocolloids:藻酸盐水胶体,是一种食品添加剂,用于改善食品质地和口感。
1. alginate coating
2. alginate emulsion
3. alginate fiber
4. alginate hydrogel
5. alginate lyophilisate
6. alginate membrane
7. alginate solution
1. The skin was coated with an alginate adhesive. (皮肤被海藻酸盐粘合剂涂覆。)
2. The alginate emulsion was used for food processing. (海藻酸盐乳剂用于食品加工。)
3. Alginate fibers can be used for wound healing. (海藻酸盐纤维可用于伤口愈合。)
4. The alginate hydrogel was used for tissue engineering. (海藻酸盐水凝胶用于组织工程。)
5. Alginate lyophilisate is a good drug carrier. (海藻酸盐冻干片是一种良好的药物载体。)
6. Alginate solution is used for cleaning and disinfecting. (海藻酸盐溶液用于清洁和消毒。)
7. Alginate has many uses in medicine and food industry. (海藻酸盐在医药和食品工业中有许多用途。)
Alginic acid is a type of natural polymer that is found in various seaweeds and algae. It has many uses in the food and medicine industries, and can be used to create various forms such as coatings, emulsions, fibers, hydrogels, membranes, and solutions. Alginate coatings can be used to protect foods from oxidation and moisture loss, while alginate emulsions can be used as thickeners and stabilizers in food processing. Alginate fibers can be used for wound healing and tissue engineering, while alginate hydrogels are commonly used as matrices for cell growth and drug delivery. Alginate lyophilisates are used as drug carriers and can be loaded with various drugs for targeted delivery to specific tissues and cells. Finally, alginate solutions are commonly used for cleaning and disinfecting, especially in hospitals and medical facilities. No wonder alginic acid is a versatile substance that has many applications in our daily lives!