基本翻译:n. 降低;减轻;减轻程度
1. alignment:排列、对齐、结盟、协定。这个词可以指物件的排列或对齐,也可以指政治或军事上的联盟或协定。
2. misalignment:不协调、不匹配、不正确定位。这个词用于描述事物之间的不协调或不匹配,也可以用于描述物体在空间中的不正确定位。
3. staggered alignment:交错排列。这是一种特殊的排列方式,其中元素在空间中交错排列,而不是连续排列。
4. parallel alignment:平行排列。这是指元素在空间中平行排列的排列方式。
5. vertical alignment:垂直排列。这是指元素在垂直方向上排列的方式。
6. align:对齐、排列、使一致。这是一个常用的动词,用于将事物对齐或排列在一起,也可以用于使事物与其他事物一致或相符。
7. alignment error:对齐误差、排列误差。这是指在排列或对齐过程中出现的误差或偏差。
8. alignment layer:对齐层。这是指在硬件或软件中用于对齐或排列的特殊层或区域。
9. alignment tool:对齐工具。这是一个用于帮助人们将事物对齐或排列的工具或软件。
10. alignment sensor:对齐传感器。这是一种用于检测物体是否对齐的传感器,通常用于自动化设备和机器人技术中。
1. climb up
2. climb down
3. climb over
4. climb out
5. climb over difficulties
6. climb to the top
7. climb down from a high position
1. She climbed up the mountain to take a photo.
2. After a long climb down, she felt exhausted.
3. We had to climb over the wall to get into the park.
4. He managed to climb out of the river and survived.
5. We are climbing over difficulties to reach our goal.
6. He climbed to the top of the mountain and took a photo.
7. After climbing down from a high position, she felt relieved.
Climbing is an interesting activity that requires both physical and mental strength. When you climb up a mountain or a steep hill, you can see beautiful scenery and feel the fresh air on your face. However, climbing also brings challenges and difficulties, such as slippery rocks and steep slopes. But with perseverance and courage, you can overcome these difficulties and reach the top of the mountain. Climbing is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. I hope you can try it someday!