Alkyd 是一种有机高分子材料,其英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语词根“alkali”和“ether”,意为“碱性的醚”。它是由醇酸树脂与含有活泼氢的有机化合物(如苯酚、乙二胺等)进行缩合聚合反应而得,具有优良的耐化学腐蚀性、耐水性、耐油性及耐溶剂性。
变化形式:在词源中,alkyd 的词形变化不大,主要是在合成过程中衍生出了新的材料形式,如 alkyd paint(油画)、alkyd varnish(清漆)等。
1. oil paint:油画颜料,由植物油和颜料制成,与 alkyd paint 相比,其颜色鲜艳,但干燥时间较长。
2. lacquer:漆料,通常由树脂、溶剂和颜料制成,具有优良的耐磨、耐腐蚀和耐溶剂性能。
3. resin:树脂,一种高分子化合物,由许多单体通过共价键结合而成,具有多种性能,如耐腐蚀、绝缘等。
4. plastic:塑料,一种合成材料,由聚合物和添加剂制成,具有优良的物理性能,如柔韧性、耐腐蚀性等。
5. epoxy resin:环氧树脂,一种高分子化合物,具有优良的粘接性、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性。
6. acrylic resin:丙烯酸树脂,一种合成材料,具有优良的耐候性、耐化学品性和柔韧性。
7. polyurethane:聚氨酯,一种合成高分子材料,具有优良的耐磨性、柔韧性、耐油性和耐化学品性。
8. rubber:橡胶,一种有机高分子材料,具有优良的弹性和绝缘性能。
9. phenolic resin:酚醛树脂,一种合成树脂,具有优良的耐热性、耐腐蚀性和绝缘性。
10. silicone:硅酮,一种有机高分子材料,具有优良的耐候性、耐高温性和耐化学品性。
1. alkyd paint
2. alkyd varnish
3. alkyd resin
4. alkyd coating
5. alkyd emulsion
6. alkyd mixture
7. alkyd paintbrush
1. The alkyd coating is applied to the surface of the object.
2. The alkyd varnish is used to protect the wooden furniture from moisture.
3. The alkyd resin is used in the production of plastic materials.
4. The alkyd emulsion is used for waterproofing and insulation.
5. The alkyd mixture is used for coating automobiles and other vehicles.
6. The alkyd paintbrush is used for painting walls and other surfaces.
Alkyds are a type of resin used in the production of paints and varnishes. They are particularly suitable for use in exterior coatings because they are durable and waterproof. Alkyds are also used in the production of plastic materials and coatings for automobiles and other vehicles. In addition, alkyds are commonly used in painting brushes, which allow artists to create a wide range of colors and textures on their works of art. I believe that using alkyds in our daily lives can help us create a more beautiful and durable environment.