"all air system" 的音标为 [ɔːl ˈeɪə(r) ˈɪstɪs],基本翻译为"所有空气系统"。
All air system这个词的英文词源是拉丁语“aere”和“omnes”,意为“空气”和“所有”。
1. 过去式:aerated
2. 过去分词:aerated
3. 现在分词:aerating
1. aerate:意为“给…充气;用空气使…松散”。这个词源于拉丁语“aere”和“otium”,意为“空气”和“休闲”。
2. aerobic:意为“有氧的”。这个词源于拉丁语“aere”和“bios”,意为“空气”和“生活”。
3. aerodynamics:意为“空气动力学”。这个词源于希腊语“aero”和“dunamis”,意为“空气”和“力量”。
以上就是关于all air system这个词的一些相关信息。总之,这个词的含义是指一个由空气供应的系统,通常用于建筑物或机器中。这个词的变化形式和相关单词都与空气和空气动力学有关。
1. all-air system
2. air system components
3. air system design
4. air system maintenance
5. air system testing
6. air system installation
7. air system operation
1. The all-air system is a highly efficient cooling system that uses air to cool the building.
2. The air system design must be carefully planned to ensure optimal performance.
3. Air system maintenance is crucial to ensure the system operates efficiently and reliably.
4. During testing, the air system must meet all safety and performance standards.
5. The installation of the air system must be precise to avoid any potential problems.
6. The operation of the air system ensures a comfortable and energy-efficient environment for the building"s occupants.
Air conditioning systems are essential for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient environment in buildings. The all-air system is a highly efficient cooling system that uses air to cool the building, ensuring that occupants are able to work or relax in a pleasant environment without being overheated or exposed to excessive humidity. The air system design must be carefully planned to ensure optimal performance, taking into account the building"s unique characteristics and requirements. Maintenance of the air system is crucial to ensure its continued operation efficiently and reliably, while testing is necessary to ensure that the system meets all safety and performance standards. The installation of the air system must be precise to avoid any potential problems, ensuring that it operates effectively and reliably for the long term.