“all files”的音标是[əˈlɑːf liːz]。
“all files”的基本翻译为“所有文件”。
"all files"这个词的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语"omnes fessae"或"omnes fileae",意为“所有文件”或“所有档案”。它的变化形式包括复数形式"all files",过去式"all-filed"和过去分词"all-filed"。
1. "file":原意为“锉刀”,用于磨平或削减物品。这个词在英语中引申为“文件”或“档案”,因为文件也需要被磨平或削减,使其变得易于处理和理解。
2. "folder":意为“文件夹”,来源于古英语中的"fold",意为“折叠”或“收拢”。文件夹是用来收纳和组织文件的工具。
3. "archive":意为“档案库”或“存档”,来源于拉丁语"archive",意为“存放文件的地方”。这个词常用于指代长期保存的文件库或存档。
4. "document":意为“文件”或“文档”,来源于拉丁语"documentum",意为“证据”或“证明”。这个词通常用于指代正式的文件或记录。
5. "record":意为“记录”或“记载”,来源于古英语中的"recod",意为“记录在石头上的事情”。这个词常用于指代记录事实或事件的书面材料。
以上这些单词都与"all files"这个词有着密切的关联,并且可以用来描述文件和档案的不同方面。
All files
1. all files 全部文件
2. file after 按照…整理文件
3. file under 按…分类
4. file away 把文件归档
5. file in order 按顺序整理文件
6. file under categories 按类别整理文件
7. file in piles 按堆整理文件
1. I need to file all files in order to keep my office organized.
2. File after your project and you will be able to find anything you need quickly.
Title: The Importance of Organizing Files
Organizing files is essential for effective work and efficient use of time. By filing all files in a systematic manner, we can easily find and access them when needed. This helps us avoid wasting time searching for documents and ensures that our work environment is tidy and organized. Additionally, organized files help us maintain a clear mind and focus on our tasks, which leads to better productivity and results. Therefore, it is crucial to take the time to organize files regularly and efficiently to ensure a productive and organized work environment.