all in good time的音标是[ɔːl ɪn ɡʊːd tɪm],基本翻译是“慢慢来,不要着急”,速记技巧是“奥林古德提姆”。
All in good time的英文词源为拉丁语“ad bonum tempus”,意思是“好的时机”。这个词组在英语中用来表示等待或延迟做某事,直到合适的时机。
变化形式:在英语中,all in good time的形式没有发生明显的变化。
1. time-based:基于时间的。这个词表示依赖于时间的因素或基于时间的系统。例如,time-based media指的是依赖于时间的媒体,如电影和音乐。
2. timely:及时的。这个词表示在适当的时候发生或完成。例如,“timely delivery”表示及时送达。
3. tempo:节奏,速度。这个词来源于拉丁语“tempus”,意为时间或节奏。
4. interval:间隔,间隙。这个词来源于拉丁语“inter”,意为在两者之间,加上“tempus”,表示时间上的间隔。
5. duration:持续时间。这个词由“durare”和“tempus”两部分组成,表示时间的持续。
6. synchronous:同步的。这个词来源于拉丁语“syn”,意为一起,加上“chronos”,表示时间,所以这个词表示同时发生或同步的。
7. chronometer:计时器。这个词由“chronos”和“meter”两部分组成,表示测量时间的仪器。
8. duration meter:持续时间计时器。这个词由“duration”和“meter”两部分组成,表示测量持续时间的仪器。
9. patience:耐心。这个词由“patior”和“sein”两部分组成,而“patior”来自于拉丁语“tempus”,表示等待或耐心地忍受。
10. delay:延迟。这个词由“delay”和“time”两部分组成,表示推迟或延迟做某事。
1. all in good time
2. take your time
3. at one"s leisure
4. in due course
5. as time goes by
6. time and tide wait for no man
7. there will be time
1. Don"t worry, everything will work out all in good time.
2. Take your time, there"s no need to rush.
3. I"ll wait for you at your leisure.
4. I hope to see you all in due course of things.
5. As time goes by, I realize that I have wasted too much time.
6. Time and tide wait for no man, we must make the most of our opportunities.
Time is a valuable resource that we cannot replace or duplicate. We should use it wisely to achieve our goals and dreams. Sometimes, we need to be patient and wait for things to happen in their own good time. This is especially true when it comes to relationships and personal growth.
For example, when we are learning a new skill or trying to improve ourselves, we cannot force the process. We have to allow time for our brains and bodies to adapt and develop. Similarly, when it comes to relationships, we cannot rush things. We have to give time and space for the other person to process their feelings and make their own decisions.
In conclusion, we should always remember that time is a precious gift that should not be wasted. We should use it wisely and with understanding for the pace of others. By doing so, we can create better relationships and achieve our goals with more ease and success.