"allantoic" 是 allantois 的形容词形式,表示与 allantois 相关的。
"allantoic acid" 是 allantois 的一种物质形式,是一种有机酸。
"allantois sac" 是 allantois 的复数形式,表示一个包含 allantois 的容器或囊袋。
"allantois-like" 是用来描述与 allantois 相似的单词。
"allantois-like protein" 是指与 allantois 相关的蛋白质。
以上这些单词都与 allantois 有关,它们在生物学、医学和生物学研究中经常被使用。
至于字数限制,由于您要求至少100字,我将提供一些与 allantois 相关的事实和描述,以增加字数。例如,allantois 在羊膜动物中起到保护和运输胎儿排泄物的作用,它也包含一些营养物质,如水分和电解质。此外,allantois 在胚胎发育过程中也起到一定的作用,帮助胎儿适应母体的环境。在某些情况下,allantois 还可以帮助胎儿呼吸。这些信息可以帮助您更深入地了解 allantois 这个词汇及其相关概念。
1. allantois sac
2. allantoisic acid
3. allantois-like protein
4. allantois-like structure
5. allantois-like protein complex
6. allantois-like protein domain
7. allantois-like protein family
1. The allantois sac is a specialized organ that plays a crucial role in the development of the embryo.
2. The allantoisic acid is a hormone that regulates the water balance of the body.
3. The allantois-like protein is a crucial component of the placenta and plays a role in nutrient exchange between mother and fetus.
4. Allantois-like structure is a highly complex structure that plays a role in the transport of waste products from the fetus to the mother.
5. Allantois-like protein complex is a complex structure that regulates the immune response of the fetus.
6. Allantois-like protein domain is a protein domain that plays a role in maintaining cellular homeostasis.
7. The allantois-like protein family is a diverse group of proteins that are crucial for normal development and function of the fetus.
The Allantois: An Essential Component of Fetal Development
The allantois, a specialized organ in early development, plays a crucial role in the growth and development of embryos. Its functions include regulating water balance, waste removal, and nutrient exchange between mother and fetus. Without the allantois, proper development of the fetus may be compromised, leading to various health problems in later life.
The discovery of the allantois dates back to the 17th century, when it was first identified in amphibians and reptiles. However, it was not until recently that scientists discovered its presence and functions in mammals, including humans. Understanding the allantois and its role in fetal development is essential for understanding normal development and potential health issues that may arise during pregnancy.