all-digital的音标为["ɔːl dɪ"dɪk(ə)l],意思是“全数字的”。基本翻译为“全数字的”或“数字化”。速记技巧可以是将每个字母的发音单独记录,例如a发/ə/,o发/ʊ/,l发/l/,d发/dɪk/,i发/ɪ/。同时,也可以使用一些速记符号来简化记忆,例如“all”可以用“a-ll”来表示。总之,速记技巧需要根据具体情况灵活运用。
1. Digitalization:数字化,指将物理世界转化为数字世界的过程。
2. Digitize:数字化,指将物理对象或数据转化为数字形式。
3. Digital technology:数字技术,指使用数字设备或计算机等技术的领域。
4. Digital economy:数字经济,指以数字技术为基础的经济形态。
5. Digital marketing:数字营销,指通过数字渠道进行营销推广的策略。
6. Digitalization revolution:数字化革命,指数字化技术对各行各业带来的深刻变革。
7. All-digital TV:全数字电视,指采用数字技术传输和接收电视信号的设备。
8. All-digital camera:全数字相机,指采用数字传感器芯片的相机设备。
9. All-digital audio:全数字音频,指采用数字技术处理音频信号的音频设备。
10. All-digital home:全数字家居,指采用数字技术构建的智能家居系统。
1. all-digital device
2. digital technology
3. digital age
4. digital world
5. digital communication
6. digital media
7. digital lifestyle
1. This new all-digital TV set offers high-definition images and sound quality.
2. The digital age has transformed the way we live and work.
3. Digital technology is revolutionizing the automotive industry.
4. Digital media has become an essential part of our daily lives.
5. Communication through digital devices has become more convenient than ever before.
6. The digital world is full of opportunities and challenges.
7. We need to embrace the digital lifestyle to stay competitive in today"s world.
In the digital age, technology has revolutionized our lives in many ways. From smartphones to digital cameras, computers to tablets, we are constantly surrounded by digital devices that have made our lives easier and more convenient.
Digital technology has also opened up new avenues for communication, information sharing, and entertainment. Social media platforms have connected people from all over the world, allowing for instant communication and collaboration. Digital media has also made it possible for us to access a vast amount of knowledge and information at the touch of a button.
However, the digital age has also presented new challenges and concerns. With the rise of cybersecurity threats and privacy breaches, it is essential to protect our personal information and guard against cyberattacks. Additionally, the fast pace of technology can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the real world.
Overall, the digital age has transformed our lives for the better, but it also requires us to be vigilant and adaptable to ensure that we remain safe and connected in this ever-changing digital world.