1. Allergic Asthma:过敏性哮喘,是一种常见的过敏性疾病,症状包括咳嗽、喘息和呼吸困难。
2. Allergic Reaction:过敏反应,指身体对特定物质的过度反应。
3. Allergic Rhinitis:过敏性鼻炎,是一种常见的鼻部过敏反应,症状包括鼻塞、流清鼻涕和打喷嚏等。
4. Allergen:过敏原,引起过敏反应的物质,如花粉、动物毛发、食物等。
5. Allergy Test:过敏原测试,用于检测身体对哪些物质过敏的方法。
6. Pollen Allergy:花粉过敏,由花粉引起的过敏反应。
7. Sensitization:致敏,指身体对原本无害的物质产生过敏反应的过程。
8. Hypersensitivity:超敏反应,包括过敏反应在内的多种异常免疫反应。
9. Epicutaneous Allergy Test:皮内试验,一种常见的过敏原测试方法,将过敏原注射到皮肤内观察反应。
10. Sublingual Allergy Patch:舌下免疫贴片,一种新型的过敏原测试方法,将过敏原直接作用于舌头下面,测试身体反应。
1. Allergic rhinitis - 过敏性鼻炎
2. Allergic asthma - 过敏性哮喘
3. Allergic reaction - 过敏反应
4. Allergy test - 过敏测试
5. Allergy medicine - 抗过敏药物
6. Allergy season - 过敏高发季节
7. Allergy sufferer - 过敏患者
1. He had an allergic reaction to the new medication. (他对于新药物产生了过敏反应。)
2. She always suffers from allergies during springtime. (每到春天她总是过敏。)
3. I had to take allergy medicine after the dust storm. (尘暴过后我不得不服用抗过敏药物。)
4. We need to do an allergy test before we can buy the dog. (我们需要做过敏测试才能买狗。)
5. It"s allergy season again, I can"t breathe! (又到过敏高发季节了,我快喘不过气了!)
6. I"m allergic to peanuts, so I always carry an allergy medicine. (我对花生过敏,所以我总是随身携带抗过敏药物。)
7. I"m sorry, but I can"t have any more of this food as it causes me allergies. (很抱歉,但是因为这食物会引发我的过敏反应,所以我不能再吃了。)
I suffer from allergies every spring, and it can be very frustrating. I have to take medication and avoid certain foods and activities to prevent an allergic reaction. I understand that allergies are a common condition that affects many people, and I hope that one day we will have a cure for it. However, until then, I will continue to take precautions and manage my allergies well. I also try to stay away from things that trigger my allergies and make sure to drink plenty of water to keep my body hydrated. Although allergies can be uncomfortable, I try to stay positive and focus on managing my condition well. I hope that my experience can help others who are also dealing with allergies.