1. Absorb(动词形式,意为“吸收”)
2. Absorption(名词形式,意为“吸收”)
1. Absorbent(意为“吸收性的”) - 源自absorb,加上后缀-ent,表示具有某种性质的物品。
2. Absorptivity(意为“吸收率”) - 源自absorb,加上后缀-tivity,表示某种物理性质。
3. Absorption spectrum(意为“吸收光谱”) - 吸收光谱是研究物质吸收光能后所呈现特性的光谱,因此也与吸收有关。
4. Absorptio(名词形式) - 在拉丁语中,absorptio意为“吸收”或“吞噬”,与absorb有相似的含义。
5. Absorptio(动词形式) - absorb的过去分词形式,意为“吸收了”。
6. Absorptio(名词形式) - 在拉丁语中,absorptio是动词absorb的宾语形式,表示被吸收的对象。
7. Absorbency(名词形式) - 意为“吸收能力”或“吸收性”,与absorb有关。
8. Absorbing(形容词形式) - 意为“引人入胜的”或“吸引人的”,与absorb有相似的含义。
9. Absorbed(形容词形式) - 意为“被吸收的”或“吸收的”,与absorb有相似的含义。
10. Absorbingness(名词形式) - 意为“吸收性”或“吸引性”,与absorb有相似的含义。
1. be absorbed in concentration
2. absorbed in thought
3. absorbed in work
4. absorbed in reading
5. absorbed in listening
6. absorbed in conversation
7. absorbed in study
1. She was so absorbed in concentration that she didn"t notice the rain.
2. He was absorbed in thought as he sat alone on the beach.
3. She was absorbed in work until the late hours of the night.
4. I was absorbed in reading until the book was finished.
5. The sound of the waves was absorbed by the silence, and he was absorbed in listening.
6. We were all absorbed in conversation until the bell rang for class to end.
7. She is so absorbed in her studies that she doesn"t have time for anything else.
Absorption is a powerful force that can change our lives for the better. When we are absorbed in something we love, we can forget about everything else around us, and this can lead to a sense of peace and tranquility. For me, this happens when I am absorbed in writing, reading, or listening to music. I can lose myself in these activities, and my worries and troubles seem to disappear.
However, absorption is not just about relaxation and entertainment. It can also be a powerful tool for learning and growth. When we are absorbed in studying, we can focus our energy and attention on the task at hand, and this can lead to greater understanding and retention of information.
In conclusion, absorption can be a valuable asset in our lives, whether it is for relaxation, learning, or simply enjoying the moment. It can help us to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and connect with ourselves and the world around us.