Absorbed water的音标为[əbˈsɔːst wʌtə],基本翻译为“吸收的水”。速记技巧为:利用谐音记忆,可以联想为“哦,水被吸收了”。
Absorbed Water的英文词源:
Absorbed Water这个词来源于英语,其含义为“吸收的水”。这个词的词源可以追溯到absorb这个词根,它来自拉丁语absorbere,意为“吸收”。
Absorbed Water的形式在英语中是名词,没有变化形式。
1. Absorption(吸收):这个词与Absorbed Water有密切关系,表示吸收的过程或状态。例如,在生物学中,吸收营养物质的过程被称为吸收。
2. Absorbency(吸水性):这个词表示物质吸收水分的能力,与Absorbed Water有相似之处。
3. Absorbent(吸水材料):这个词表示能够吸收液体的材料,如纸巾、海绵等。
4. Absorbance(吸收量):这个词表示物质吸收光的能力,与Absorbed Water的含义相似。
5. Absorbance Spectroscopy(吸收光谱法):这种方法用于测量物质对特定波长的光吸收程度。
6. Absorptivity(吸收率):这个词表示物质吸收辐射的能力,与Absorbed Water的含义相似。
7. Absorptiometer(吸收计):这是一种测量物质吸收量的仪器。
8. Absorption Coefficient(吸收系数):这个词表示物质吸收辐射的强度,与Absorbed Water的含义有关。
9. Absorbent Grafting(吸附性接枝):这是一种化学处理方法,用于增强材料的吸水性或吸附性。
10. Absorbent Plant(吸水植物):这类植物具有很强的吸水能力,可以用于储存和运输水分。
以上这些单词都与Absorbed Water有密切关系,反映了其不同的含义和用途。
1. Absorb water quickly
2. Absorb moisture from the air
3. Absorb water deeply
4. Absorb water to the core
5. Absorb water effectively
6. Absorb water in large amounts
7. Absorb water without leakage
1. The plant quickly absorbed water from the rain.
2. The carpet absorbed moisture from the air and became damp.
3. The soil in the garden absorbed water deeply to sustain plant growth.
4. The bread absorbed water to become softer and more delicious.
5. The paint absorbs water effectively to prevent cracking.
6. The company has been able to absorb large amounts of water without any leakage issues.
7. The container is designed to absorb water without leaking, ensuring that the contents remain dry.
标题:Water Absorption and Its Importance in Life
Water absorption is a crucial process that occurs in various aspects of life, from plants to paints to containers. Plants absorb water to grow and thrive, while paints absorb water to prevent cracking and deterioration. Containers are designed to absorb water to ensure that the contents remain dry and safe. In fact, water absorption plays a vital role in ensuring the stability and functionality of many products and materials.
On a daily basis, we encounter various situations where water absorption is essential. For instance, clothes dry quickly when exposed to water, while carpets absorb moisture from the air to prevent dampness and mold growth. In addition, various materials used in construction, such as cement and mortar, require water absorption to form a strong bond and ensure structural stability.
Therefore, it is essential to understand the importance of water absorption in various contexts, and how it affects our daily lives and the functionality of various products and materials. Understanding this process can help us make informed decisions and use products and materials more effectively.