1. Abstinent - 形容词形式,意为“节制的、抑制的”。
2. Abstinence - 名词形式,意为“节制、禁欲”。
1. Temperance - 另一个与节制相关的单词,意为“节制、适度”。这个词源于古法语,并被广泛使用。
2. Self-restraint - 意为“自我抑制、自我节制”,这个词强调了个人的自我控制和节制。
3. Moderation - 意为“适度、节制”,这个词强调了平衡和适度的概念。
4. Chastity - 意为“贞操、节制”,这个词与性有关,但同时也强调了道德和精神的节制。
5. Vigilance - 意为“警惕、警戒”,这个词与节制无关,但与自我控制和保持警惕有关。
6. Retention - 意为“保留、保持”,这个词与节制无关,但与节制行为的结果有关,即保持某种状态或状态的控制。
7. Self-discipline - 意为“自我纪律、自我约束”,这个词强调了个人的自我控制和纪律的重要性。
8. Moderate - 意为“适度的、有节制的”,这个词与节制和适度有关,强调了平衡和适度的重要性。
9. Restraint - 意为“抑制、限制”,这个词与节制和自我控制有关,强调了对行为的控制和限制。
10. Self-control - 意为“自我控制”,这个词直接与自我控制和节制有关,强调了个人的自我控制能力。
1. abstinence from alcohol 戒酒
2. abstinence from drugs 戒毒
3. sexual abstinence 节欲
4. abstain from 戒除
5. practicing abstinence 实行节欲
6. abstinence-based approach 节欲为基础的方法
7. total abstinence 完全戒除
1. He has been practicing abstinence for a month to prepare himself for the big event. (他已戒欲一个月,为的是给重大事件做好准备。)
2. She has been abstaining from alcohol for the past few weeks to give herself a clear head for the exam. (在过去几周里,她已戒酒,为的是考试时头脑清醒。)
3. He decided to go on a total abstinence program after he found out he had a drinking problem. (他发现自己有饮酒问题后,决定实施完全戒酒计划。)
4. She has been trying to abstinence from sweets, but she still craves them. (她一直试图戒糖,但她仍然渴望吃甜食。)
5. They decided to practice sexual abstinence until they got married. (他们决定婚前禁欲。 )
6. She has been abstaining from sex to give herself time to heal after giving birth. (她为了给自己产后恢复的时间而禁欲。)
7. We must practice abstinence and remain committed to our faith even when it"s difficult. (我们必须禁欲,甚至在困难的时候也要坚守我们的信仰。)
Abstinence is a crucial aspect of maintaining good health and well-being, whether it"s physical, mental, or emotional. For some people, abstinence means refraining from alcohol or drugs, while for others, it may involve avoiding unhealthy or addictive behaviors such as social media or fast food. However, the most effective form of abstinence is practicing self-control and self-restraint, which requires conscious effort and discipline.
In today"s fast-paced world, it"s easy to fall into bad habits or unhealthy patterns of behavior, but by making the conscious decision to abide by our values and principles, we can avoid negative influences and stay on the path to success and fulfillment. Abstinence not only helps us maintain our physical and mental health, but it also strengthens our character and teaches us valuable life lessons about self-discipline and self-reliance. Therefore, practicing abstinence should be a top priority in our daily lives, no matter our age or situation.