aggregate supply的音标为[əˈgrɪgətsɪp],基本翻译为“总供应”,速记技巧为:aggregate(总)+supply(供应)。
Aggregate Supply (AS)这个词的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语“aggregatus”,意为“聚集的”或“集合的”。这个词在经济学中用来描述一个经济体中所有潜在产出(潜在GDP)的总和。
1. Aggregates: 这个词通常用来描述大规模的物质或物体,如“泥土聚合体”或“建筑聚合体”。在经济学中,它也用来描述经济体的组成部分或元素,如“劳动力聚合体”。
2. Supply Chain: 这个词是由“supply”(供应)和“chain”(链)组成的,用来描述一个公司或经济体中从原材料到最终产品的供应链。
3. Supply Management: 这个词用来描述一个公司或经济体如何有效地管理其供应网络,包括库存管理、采购、物流和供应链优化等。
举例来说,当经济学家提到“aggregate supply”时,他们通常指的是一个经济体中所有生产者愿意并能够出售的全部商品和服务。这个概念对于理解宏观经济政策的影响以及通货膨胀率等重要经济指标非常重要。
Aggregate Supply (AS) 是指一个经济体中的总需求,即市场上的总购买力。常用短语:
1. Increase aggregate supply
2. Decrease aggregate supply
3. Balance aggregate supply and demand
4. Stimulate aggregate supply
5. Driven by aggregate supply
6. Supply shock
7. Aggregate supply constraints
1. 政府增加开支可以刺激总需求(也就是增加总供给)。
2. 全球疫情导致供应短缺,需求却保持不变,导致物价上涨。
3. 当前经济环境下,总供给成为关键因素。
4. 经济增长放缓,可能是由于总供给不足。
5. 降低税收可以增加总需求,进而提高总供给。
6. 物价上涨主要是由于总供给曲线右移。
7. 货币政策旨在平衡总需求和总供给。
Aggregate Supply and its Impact on the Economy
Aggregate Supply is the total demand for goods and services in an economy, which is the total purchasing power in the market. When aggregate supply exceeds demand, prices may rise as companies raise prices to cover increased costs. Conversely, when demand exceeds supply, prices may fall as companies lower prices to attract more buyers. Therefore, the relationship between aggregate supply and demand has a significant impact on the economy.
For example, if the government increases spending on infrastructure projects, it may stimulate aggregate supply and increase employment opportunities for businesses and individuals. This, in turn, may lead to increased demand for goods and services, which in turn may lead to higher prices and increased tax revenues for the government. Conversely, if the government cuts spending, it may lead to a decrease in aggregate supply and a decrease in employment opportunities, which may lead to a decrease in prices and economic growth. Therefore, understanding the relationship between aggregate supply and demand is crucial for effective economic management.