aggrieve:v. 损害;使痛苦;使受害
aggrieves的词源为拉丁语aggrievere,意为to burden,即负担、使受累。aggrieves的动词形式是由其形容词形式aggravated派生而来。
1. Aggravate的过去式和过去分词为aggravated,现在分词为aggravating。
2. Aggrieved是aggrieves的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“受害的;受损害的”。
1. aggravate:v. 加重;恶化;激怒。例如:The weather worsened as the storm approached, aggravating the already difficult driving conditions.(随着风暴接近,天气恶化,加剧了已经困难的驾驶条件。)
2. aggravation:n. 恶化;加剧;加重。例如:The pain was caused by the aggravation of an old injury.(疼痛是由旧伤加重引起的。)
3. aggravation factor:n. 加重因素;恶化因素。例如:The aggravation factor in this case was the defendant"s failure to take responsibility for his actions.(此案的加重因素是被告未能对自己的行为承担责任。)
The company"s decision to lay off employees has aggrieved many of them.(公司裁员决定让许多员工感到受害。)
The news of her friend"s illness has aggrieved her deeply.(她朋友生病的消息让她感到非常痛苦。)
1. aggrieve sb 伤害某人的感情
2. aggrieve a grievance 抱怨
3. aggrieve sb"s rights 侵犯某人的权利
4. aggrieve sb"s dignity 损害某人的尊严
5. aggrieve sb"s reputation 损害某人的名誉
6. aggrieve sb"s interests 损害某人的利益
7. aggrieve sb"s dignity and reputation 损害某人的尊严和名誉
1. The company"s decision to lay off employees aggrieved their rights.
2. The teacher"s words aggrieved my grievance.
3. The government"s failure to protect the environment aggrieves the public"s interests.
4. The insult to my dignity left me feeling aggrieved and humiliated.
5. The news aggrieved my reputation as a journalist.
6. The company"s actions have aggrieved its customers" interests.
7. The loss of my property has caused me great aggrieve and distress.
When we feel aggrieved, it can be a very uncomfortable feeling, especially when it comes from someone else"s actions or decisions that affect our rights, dignity, interests or reputation. However, it is important to recognize that aggrievement is a natural reaction to unfair treatment and it is not always easy to express our feelings and concerns in a constructive way.
In my opinion, we should try to communicate with others in a respectful and understanding manner, explaining our feelings and concerns in a clear and concise manner. We should also try to understand the other person"s perspective and try to resolve the issue in a fair and equitable manner. If we can avoid unnecessary conflicts and disputes, we can avoid further aggrievement and build stronger relationships with others.